"break-ups." #2

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A/N; this is now Matt's, Nash's, Shawn's, and Taylor's part.

Matthew Espinosa - You were drifting apart and you both knew it. Matt was away on Magcon and he had to be with his family too and you were at school, you were always busy with homework and in your free time you had to be with your parents too. Matt came by your house that day and your parents were out at work and you knew what you had to do, even if it was that painful. Once Matt knocked on your door you jolted to your feet and took short strides to the door. You flung it open and revealed a grinning Matthew; your heart broke more. "Hey, babe!" He smiled and leaned in to peck your lips but you pushed his chest away. "Is there something wrong, Y/N?" He frowned and you walked towards the foyer and he followed you. "Y/N, tell me, what's wrong? Are you mad at me?" He threw some many questions that your heart pumped faster than it's usual pace. "Is there something bothering you? Did someone pass away-." You cut him off, "I'm breaking up with you." You said, glancing at him with glassy eyes. Matt gaped at you and gulped, "W-what?" He asks, voice trembling. "I'm breaking up with you," You murmur. "You're dumping me?" His lip trembles and you strangle a sob. "Yes, Matt." You whispered and he wipes the stray tears that streak down his beautiful face. "Why?" His voice breaks and you avoid his gaze. "We're drifting apart, I barely get to see you. I don't even think this is a relationship anymore. You don't call me or text me and when I do try to reach you, you don't even answer me! I'm sick and tired of this, Matthew." You explained, and it came out harsher than intended. Matt stumbles back at your words and he rubs his temples before nodding, "I -I, this is meant to be." He says, speaking from his heart and it's true, he believes that your relationship was meant to be. "I don't know, Matt." You sniffle and he nods before walking slugishly to the door and once you hear the front door slam shut, you break into a fit of sobs.

Nash Grier - The pounding of your heart could be heard from a mile away and you were positive of it. Your palms got sweaty as you lay on your bed, tears streaming down your face. You heard the thud of Nash's footsteps grow closer and you sighed. Your door creaked open and revealed a teary eyes Nash. "Y/N, babe it was a mistake. It was a misunderstanding." He gushed out once he laid a foot in your room. You silenced him with a wave of your hand and he sat down on the floor, knees pulled up to his chest. "Nash, I loved you for a reason and you gave me a good reason to leave you." You said calmly and Nash sniffled. "Please, I love you." His voice trembled and it made it harder for you to do this. "Nash, if you fucking loved me then you wouldn't have done that!" You yelled, getting frustrated. "It was a mistake! I just, it just happened! I'm sorry, damnit!" He screamed and you threw a pillow at him, "Why, Nash! Why!" He stood up and clenched his fists, and rammed it through the wall, making a huge hole. Nash's fists were bleeding but he didn't seem bothered. "You're never here! You barely look at me and awknowledge my presence but when you do it's when you're annoyed and frustrated and it leads up to a fight!" He snarls and you glare at him. "Then why did you fuck her!" You scream and he fists his hair and you stifle a sob. "Because I needed to feel something! I was being stupid! But I never chose to give up on what we have! That's why I'm here, pleading for you to forgive me but you still don't get it!" He says. "Fuck you, Nash." You sob, "I'm tired!" You growl, "So fucking tired! I'm done with this bullshit! Stay out of my life! Fuck off and never ever come back!" You scream and Nash bows his head in defeat and leaves. And he knew in that moment that what you had was going to break someday and that day was today.

Shawn Mendes - You gasp as you felt the blood trickle from your nose. You peered up at the dilated eyes of Shawn. "Oh God. Y/N, shit, I didn't mean it." He crouched beside you and tried to help you up but you shoved him away. "Don't touch me." You spat and tears welled in his eyes. "Y/N, babe, I'm sorry. I'm so sorry! Please, I didn't m-mean it. Y-you have to b-believe me." He stammers, and broke down. You tried to keep your balance but you fell back and landed on your ass. "Y/N, I'm so sorry. Please forgive me, I'm so sorry." Shawn pleads and strides over to you and reaches out to touch your face but you shove him away, "Dont come near me, " you hiss and wipe the blood that pours from your nose. "Y/N you know that I didn't mean it." Shawn sobs and you avoid his eyes. "Y/N, baby." You cringe at the name he uses and you glare at him, "Fuck you, Shawn." You sneer and march to the bathroom. Once you shut the door and lock it you break down and crumble to the cold floor. "Y/N, open the door please. I'm sorry!" He says and knocks on the door repeatedly and you sob louder. "Y/N, please open the door." He begs and this time his knocks become harder. "Y/N open up or I'm going to break this door." He threatens and you sniffle and wipe the blood and tears off your face and you unlock the door and open it with caution. He instantly wraps his arms around you and sobs into your hair but you push him away. "I'm sorry, Shawn but I can't do this anymore. I just can't." You whisper and he backs away and stares at you with hurt. "no, don't leave me." He pleads but you shook your head and knew what you had to do. "I'm so sorry Y/N. " Shawn cries and you peer up at him with glassy eyes, "I'm sorry too."

Taylor Caniff - You sat on the park bench, trying your best to contain the tears that were threatening to fall. "Hey, babe." Taylor greeted and you peered up at him and he noticed your pained expression and his eyebrows knitted together in confusion. "Baby, are you okay?" He inquires, and wraps his arm around your shoulder but you push it off and he frowns. "Babe? Is something wrong?" He asks and you sigh. "Taylor," Your voice wavers, "I'm breaking up with you." You mumble, "What? Please tell m-me I heard y-you wrong." he stammers and grasps your hand in his. "Taylor, I'm breaking up with you." You said, your voice now audible and he gapes at you, "W-what? What w-why?" He questions and you sniffle and wipe the stray tears, "I don't love you anymore." You lied, you still love him with all your heart but your parents told you if you didn't break up with him they wouldn't send you to NYU and you really wanted to go, ever since. "Bullshit, that's bullshit Y/N." He spits and you flinch. "It's true, Taylor. I don't love you anymore." You sob and he grabs both your shoulders and stares you at the eye but you avoid his. "Look at me." He shakes you and you look at him, "That's not the reason, I know you still love me." He whispers and you sob, "Please dont do this." He begs and his eyes wells up with tears, "I love you, Taylor." You whisper and pry his hands off of your shoulder and he sniffles, "I love you too."

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