How Could You?!

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   Howls echo in battle around me, but I only have eyes for one. My mate that betrayed me, hurt me, and made me a fool. Sounds nulled as I stepped forward, intent on ending him. Vibrant colors were replaced by a monochrome world. If I didn't get revenge, I wouldn't be happy before I die. Sensing the wolf charging me I stab it with the long silver dagger in my hand, a loud thump following soon after. I shift and howl, the battle stopping as I call my pack to me, fury running through my wolf's entire body. I let her take control, knowing she needed peace as well, revenge.

   Protect me. I'm going in. If he splits, there's three ambush groups waiting to attack. Be careful. A chorus 'Yes Luna' echoes in my mind as my white and black wolf stalks forward, orange eyes flashing with a look so dark, even my mate cowers at the power of it. Be very afraid. After what you did to us, you will pay for your mistakes!  I howl out a challenge, feeling satisfaction at the fear in his eyes as he steps forward, the one he mated with following determinedly. How could you do this to us?! You couldn't wait to get rid of us! Using us until your parents decided they wanted your mate pregnant. You're pathetic. If I hadn't walked in that day, I would be still be heartbroken and naïve.

Three Months Ago

 "Luna, you are restricted from entering the pack house. Alpha's orders." I scoff at the two guarding the doors, pushing them aside with a warning growl, fed up. I'd finally found my mate, but of course he has to be a playboy. Even our first meeting was at a party with him trying to get into a girl's pants. He stopped once he saw and felt the connection, but attempted to mate with me right then. Needless to say he was shocked I refused to mate with him, but almost got away with forcing me until my beta, Nick, came in to help. It was hard to even communicate with him without a girl next to him, but I never complained until it was the two of us. I stopped him from sleeping with another mated girl, but it hurt as he looked at me with anger.

   "Jean, when are you going to mate with me? I know you want to. Your mate can't offer that because she's off limits already." A high pitched voice speaks up with confidence, letting out a seductive growl.

   "She has never been my mate from the beginning, I'll reject her once I have you cutie." My heart lurches as I feel the pain, nearly bringing me to my knees as he mates with her, no hesitation. Fighting a howl, I leave the pack house, scratching out my mate mark on the shoulder, gritting through the pain. A heart broken howl echoes from him as he realizes what he did, but I never look back as I go to my pack, a chorus of 'Luna what's wrong?' and 'That bastard will pay!'

   Months passed as I got better, ignoring the call of his wolf to mine, getting stronger and better with each passing day. It was two months later when I met him again on the streets, his mate pregnant with a child. Nick holds me close as I nuzzle into his embrace, his peppermint scent making my wolf and I happy. I look at him as I whisper in his ear, heat flooding into my cheeks.

   "Mate. Secondary mate." He looks to me with a knowing smile, not bothering to deny the statement. "How long have you known?" Stopping, I gaze at him, the past few months catch up to me as we got closer, depending on each other in that time.

   "Since I met you, but if something happens with the first one, the secondary is there to...pick up the pieces I suppose." A dry laugh escapes his pink lips as I frown, taking in his dark brown nest and rose pink eyes, ruffling his hair in response.

   "You've always been there with me. I'm not disappointed it's you Nick." His eyes beseech my orange ones, widening as I pull him down and kiss him, claiming him. A low growl erupts from his chest as responds in point two seconds, the kiss wanting and protective, bruising my lips. I smirk as we pull back, telling him through the link for us to mate soon. The darkening of his eyes doesn't go unnoticed as he accepts without taking his eyes off me.

   "It's that whore babe." A snobby voice snaps the two of us out of the moment, a sneer replacing the soft smile that once adorned my lips. I wrap my arms around Nick and breathe in his scent.

   "You must be mistaking her for yourself. She is the most amazing mate I have ever laid eyes on. I won't stop trying to make her happy unlike you two shitheads who can't stop being horny every few minutes." I bit back a giggle at his remark, this possessive side making me love him even more. I fell in love with him without realizing it, the times we've spent together nearly all day or enough he practically moved in with me makes me blush. Without a word I look at the two, the very much pregnant Sinnamon with a hurt Jean. The look in his eyes gives me the answer I need to know. He hasn't let me go yet as his wolf calls out to us, desperate. The shy smile on my face appears as I feel Nick mark me, pain washing away as pleasure takes control. Holding onto his toned chest I wobble at the sudden intense pleasure, my body being lifted into his arms the next instant. A broken howl makes my head turn to look at Jean holding onto Sinnamon with a shaken, lost look in his eyes.

   "Let's go home love. They're not worth it." Understanding, he carries me all the way home despite my protests and threats that fall on deaf ears. The pain heals as I realize I was loved all along, my wolf and I snuggle closer to his chest, purring. His chuckle resonates in my heart and ears as we fully connect through the mating process, whole finally.


   'Be careful Nick. I'm not losing you.'  Giving a loving nuzzle to my mate, I bound off, furious. The last month was filled with treasured memories and moments as our bond grew immovable, unbreakable. The night we found out I was pregnant, one of the smaller families part of our pack were murdered, the child tortured and left with a note saying, 'Take this whore. You broke Jean, but I'll break every single one of your pack members.' A signature wasn't needed as war was called upon, the memorial done two days later. Everything got worse as many got injured from stray wolves of my once upon a time pack, notes being left. The final straw was when the Alpha and Luna threatened to personally kill the baby being born with my mate and I along side the bastard child in a note.

   'This is for our pack members you killed you bitch! Don't ever mess with me and my family ever again.'  My wolf takes control as I give a vicious smile at the dying Luna, my claws leaving huge gashes on the smaller brown wolf's stomach. The whimper leaving her doesn't fool me as she lunges forward in an attempt to throw me off. Dodging her form, I bite her from behind and throw her with all my strength, satisfied at the loud crunch as she goes limp. Jean stops fighting with Nick as he rushes over to his mate, the deadly jaws of my mate clamping around his neck before biting down. The fighting stops as the two don't move, the leaderless pack freezing in shock before running away, panic on their wolves' expressions. I shift, wincing a bit as a few wounds leak a bit, Nick rushing over to me. Hugging him tightly, I give a sigh of relief putting a hand on my stomach as the baby bumps eagerly. A smile appears on my face as the fight ended after a few minutes, but the wounds inflicted would need to be looked at.

   "Let's go home. It's over. It's all over. We're free of them, safe." The pack goes with a few grimacing, but somewhat regretful faces as they continue onward.  Moving with Nick towards the bodies, I give a prayer for their safe reunion despite the anger still lingering.

   "It had to be done. They would have killed everyone and the baby without remorse. Come on love, they will be mourned and put at rest." I just nod, the both of us holding onto each other as we head off to the pack house, the baby bumping several times as if in consulting and comforting me. I take one last look at the two wolves, whispering a goodbye to them both in a final farewell; the solemn silence speaking for itself.

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