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   "She's not the killer."

   "Her body language says otherwise."

   "She would be fighting to get out of here if she were."

   "She's right Tony. She's answering all the questions."

   "Shut up Damian. She could be lying."

   "Will you three shut up? She can hear you through the glass."

   "Where were you at the time of the murder?" She sighs in response as the boss, Jared, attempts to intimidate her. Keyword attempt.

   "I was at the gym then went home to make dinner. I haven't heard of this man, let alone kill him." Her red and green eyes watch the lights when the people move, long curly rainbow hair splayed around her face.

   "That's not what the evidence and witness says." Growling at the appearance of her ex boyfriend as the door opens, she narrows her eyes.

   "What the hell are you doing Jace?" The cocky bastard manages to smirk at the female, sauntering over.

   "Sweetheart, I couldn't believe you were the killer when they told me." She rolls her eyes at his sarcasm, pushing away the too close jerk.

   "Cut the crap Jace. I didn't even see you on my way home. I would have noticed a stalker following me."

   "You two know each other? How?" Jared demands, interrupting the two as a pair of blue eyes glisten darkly to him.

   "Ex boyfriend. Got too clingy and practically forced me to stay at home under surveillance. His apartment is on the other side of the city unless he moved again."

   "How much do you want to bet it was the boyfriend? Viven, Daman." A scoff is heard from Viven as she eyes the witness warily.

   "There is no doubt about it. Bad blood makes people do crazy things. He gets revenge after she dumps him and he gets a chance to push her to kill."

   "The scene was over five miles away from my house. I walked through the woods that night, wanting the scenery route. Nobody else was with me. I have two alibis and clocked in and out of work. There are video cameras to check what really happened. Ask my boss, Kade."

   "You've always been a lying vixen. Don't you know when to stop?"

   "Enough. Damian and Tony go check the security cameras, Viven keep an eye on these two so they don't kill each other." The three of us leave the room as she dodged Jace's wandering hands, scowling. The office was neat and clean with people talking to their teams and heading out. Finding a quiet corner, she watches the process with an intrigued gleam, stiffening as hands wrap around her.

   "Unhand me now. Or else." The hands wander south as she rips away from him, turning around punching him. A loud crunch is heard as he cruses loudly, glaring at the smirking female. "Don't ever touch me again and my name is Zaria, not sweetheart jackass." Going to stand next to Damian, she cocks a brow at their stares. "He wouldn't let me go." A low whistle from Tony has her grinning a bit. Wiping her hand on her black jeans matched with an elbow length red formal button up, black velvet wrap around her hands and wrists with fingers and thumb not. Black laced up combat boots up to three-fourths of her knees with silver chains on both sides of her hips, a lip piercing with several tattoos shown and hidden along with black and red skull necklace.

   "Where did you learn to punch like that?" She watches the photos of the scene pop up, answering with a grin.

   "Taught myself and with some classes for self-defense." As soon as a photo of the dead male showed up, something catches her eye. "Stop there please. I recognize this necklace. It was mine before I gave it back to Jace when we broke up. It's a necklace that had our initials on it, a heart encompassed our relationship back then. I haven't had that in over three years. The only one who could have is Jace." The group looks to the male in question, his figure running off quickly. Zaria takes after him, roundhouse kicking him in the back as he hits the floor on his face. Ignoring the sympathetic ow from Tony, she sits on his back, hitting his pressure point that makes him black out. His arm hangs off her shoulders as she picks him up with ease, bringing him to the interrogation room.

   "What are you staring at?" Jumping at the sudden voice they turn around with covered surprise.

   "How the hell did you do that?" A shrug is their answer as the elevator opens with short black and red spiky hair, silver eyes lined with black eye liner and pink lips blackened. The outfit matching Zaria's is noticed as she gives a wink to said person, smiling.

   "There you are love. I've been looking everywhere for you when I found this interesting video of a murder. Your necklace was a nice touch." Zaria hugs the stranger, blushing a bit as she is pulled in for a kiss.

   "Blaire, thank you for coming. God, I missed seeing your face." The heartwarming grin she receives makes her return, arms draping over each other's shoulders. "This is the team that brought me in for questioning along with that jackass." A sneer mars Blaire's face as she goes to lunge for the knocked out man. Warm hands wrap around her waist, stopping her as a kiss is pressed into her neck lovingly. "It's fine babe. Just show them the evidence and tell them who you are."

   "I'm Blaire, Zaria's girlfriend and a special agent in a secret sector not to be mentioned. The same goes for Zaria only she works with dead bodies in Autopsy and the lab. I have clearance to give you this video explaining everything." Getting out the flash drive, she hands it to Jared who appears to be calm as the team watches the video and photos with raised brows. The next few hours are spent waiting to be discharged for murder as the couple goes down to Autopsy to see what Ducky and Palmer were doing. Pleasantly surprised, they join in on helping with the body following procedures as Abby makes conversation, grinning the whole time.

   Eight o'clock rolls around when Zaria is discharged, but Blaire stops their walk to the elevator by kneeling down with a serious face. Zaria stunned, watches with wide eyes as a red velvet box is brought out. A gentle smile makes its way to Blaire's face as the team watches with similar smiles.

   "Zaria, I would do anything for you. Ever since I met you, my life has been so much better. I wouldn't be here today without your support and love. I want to spend the rest of my life with you love. You're the only one for me and after two years of dating, I want to do more with you until the ends of the earth, of time. Will you marry me Zaria Young?" A shy smile appears on her face as she gets down to her level, arms wrapping around her neck with a breathy chuckle.

   "Blaire Aurora, I will marry a million times as long as I'm with you. Yes." She places the ring on her fiancé's left ring finger with a breathtaking smile as Zaria pulls her in for a kiss.

   "I'm glad they framed you or else I wouldn't have the chance to do it properly to show how much I love you." A laugh escapes Zaria as their foreheads touch gently.

   "You're such a dork, but you're my dork. I love you Blaire."

   "I love you too Zaria. Now are we going to head back home to continue this or not?"

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