The Ice in Our Blood

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   Since when did the cold become so welcome? Like home? It was easy to feel the fire in our veins, imagine it, and keep it going. Lately, it's been different. The distance slowly grew until we were like strangers, grasping at straws for reasons to stay.

   "Hey love, where are you going?" I pause at the door way, looking back to see the empty voided orbs gazing at me with something similar to love. I mentally scoff at that, dark red eyes dull with unavoidable pain.

   "Visiting a friend for a dinner date with their girlfriend. I'll be late if I don't head out now. Have a good night and I love you." The words sound neutral, like a broken record as I leave, barely paying attention to the hurt look in his eyes. My mind goes blank as I drive over to the new restaurant in town. By the time I get there, I'm already happier, livelier.

   "It's a pleasure to see you again Tiffany. How have you been Rain?" I take a seat across from the pair, smiling gently. Rain's green eyes sweep over me critically with a knowing look, Tiffany doing the same.

   "We've been fine Chandara. You look exhausted." The blunt statement makes me sigh in response as we order when the waiter comes over. A light blush dusts my cheeks as I notice the wink he sends my way.

   "It could be better. It's just not the same anymore. The distance is so far away, it's like we aren't together at all." I give shy smile as the waiter arrives with our drinks, a number written on the coffee I got. Hot lava invades my veins as he gives me a knowing smile as I return a smirk to him. Maybe it would be alright to forget just for tonight. Ignoring the looks on the two's faces in front of me, I enter the number sending a quick message. A quiet ping alerts me as I check the message.

   Anytime love. I'll be at your beck and call.  Shift ends at eight, follow me to my place. ;)

   "You're getting lucky tonight and pretty soon every other night too aren't you?" Tiffany teases me as I stutter a bit before nodding.

   "I didn't realize how bad it was. I hope it goes well or ends I should say." Rain gives me the silent encouragement as I open up slowly. Fiddling with my drink I look down at the table, lost in thought.

   "It started when I didn't feel like having sex. I just wanted to be with him and learn more about each other in a way. He thought otherwise to the point I felt pressured into doing it with him on several occasions. The love was replaced with lust and I felt hurt, betrayed. The past year was amazing, but all those years of trust changed when I saw him with another girl in our bed one night. It was our one year anniversary when I discovered them, but I never said anything. I just hoped he would change or realize that he could just leave, but he stayed and tried to keep it going. Just like I did foolishly. I love him, but the empty, worthless feeling I get when we hold each other isn't worth it. We've fallen out of love from each other, because what he wants is not someone like me." Rain looks furious by the end of my explanation while Tiffany just gives a grim smile.

   "Here's your food ladies. That guy is blind if he doesn't see the unique soul in front of him." The waiter walks away casually as I take notice of his simple, formal outfit. His build was lithe and muscular, but his rainbow colored hair was long and in a ponytail, purple mischievous eyes raking over me in response.

   "I'm definitely getting lucky tonight and every other night. Let's eat up so I can end it with him once and for all. After all, a stranger's words can be a miracle of miracles." The two share a grin of joy before digging in as I push away my doubts crowding inside my mind. I have to let him go, we'd both be happier. Dinner ends at 7:45, giving me time to end things. I kiss the two goodbye, promising to see them again as they threaten me.

   "You better break up with him. I want to see my lovely, weird friend again. Whole." I stick my tongue out at her, content as arms wrap around me. I look up and see the waiter from before grinning cutely.

   "Keep her close, she's a keeper. I will personally murder you if you hurt her and you too girlie if you don't get away from the killjoy." I chuckle, sinking into his embrace as they leave with suggestive winks. The scent of fresh mints hits my nose as he puts his head on top of mine, arms tightening around my waist.

   "There's no way I'm letting you go now. Prepare for a rough couple weeks love and my name's Jonathan." I giggle, enjoying his warmth as I mumble into his chest, the rumble he makes giving my heart a jumpstart.

   "The name's Chandara. Follow me so I can take care of something real fast. Something I should have done months ago."

   "You owe me more than one night love. I'll make sure you remember it vividly." I shudder as he brings his lips to my ear, biting down and pulling. Leaning into his body, I press against him experimentally. Satisfied with the sharp gasp from him I pull away and get in the car, smiling. With a shake of his head, he follows my lead all the way to my apartment. I get out of the car, nervous for the first time as I enter the apartment tense. The dark makes it hard to see as I fish out a small flashlight from my messenger bag, jumping at the hands gripping my arms tightly.

   "What the hell are you doing Jeff? Are you crazy?" The lights turn on as I look at Jeff, eyes wide. the dead look in his eyes is not new, but the flush of his cheeks and red lipstick on his neck and lips show he's been with her again. I shake my arms free of his grip, not even blinking as the girl he fools around with comes out with nothing but an unbuttoned t-shirt and panties. "We're through Jeff. I don't love you like I used to and we'll be happier by ourselves. I expect you to leave within three days." I turn to leave as arms wrap around my body, holding me close. The scent hits me as Jonathan gives a squeeze.

   "It appears it's time for us to live together love. I can't wait to see you everyday." I blush at the implications in his voice, the unwanted couple going to the bedroom, happy and a little shocked. "You did the right thing. Now where's my reward?" Shooing him away, I let him lead, impressed by the simple yet clean apartment before me. "This way." Those two simple words stop my breath, his hand on the small of my back. The black and white furniture gives off a red vibe from the fireplace roaring. The door clicks shut as I turn around to say something, lips touching mine without warning. Forgetting everything except the male before me, I kiss back eagerly. The warmth inside me curling my toes as my back hits the soft sofa, hardened body pressed against mine.

   "No escaping me now love." Shaking my head he kisses my jawline, going lower as he stops at the v neck of the short, black dress. "May I?" My hand pushes his head down as an answer, gasping at the hand underneath the dress, stroking me.

   "Yes. A million times yes." That night, I felt the touch of true love. The warmth it brought and held to this day. A kiss brings me out of my reverie as I smile at Jonathan laying beside me with a content look. I finally found my happiness and I'm never letting it go. I return a good morning kiss before snuggling into his chest, shyly smiling as he wraps his arms around me. I look at the engagement ring on my left hand as I'm pulled closer to the sleepy male who's smiling lovingly.


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