Once a Cheater

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   This is it. The end of my old life for a new beginning to the one that awaits me. The darkness envelopes me in a warm embrace I haven't experienced for awhile. A smile graces my lips as my senses pound me into reality. Shouting and arguing the first thing I hear when I open my eyes, a soft bed cushioning my body. Shiro, Pidge, Allura, Lance, Coran, Hunk, and...Keith were angered by something, but I didn't pay attention to any of them. I had my powers inherited from my parents to help their cause, to visit them again soon and maybe even live on the secret planet. My smile widens as I get up silently, leaving the room of bickering people. A pair of dark eyes watch me with hurt evident in their eyes as another pair has mirth in them, gloating. Nothing bothered me, even the shouts that followed after when they realized I was up and about. I've been waiting for my transformation for years, training and fighting. My parents were right when transforming makes your perspective clearer. A pang enters my heart before leaving as I remember the night Keith had cheated on me, has been for months with Allura. She can have him, he wouldn't have gone to her if he truly loved me.

   "Serah wait up! I'm sorry about before, want to get out of here before you have to deal with Mullet Head?" A smirk makes my lips twitch upwards as I give a nod to the blue paladin, Lance, who is wearing an identical smirk. It turns into a genuine smile of worry and concern as he knew how hard I was for myself and my race, Vindettios, to trust people. Earning our trust is hard, but once it's broke, the connection is lost in that instant. We are a rare, nearly extinct race, but we have a hidden planet not even Galra knows where it's at.

   "I'm fine Lance. I am ready to finally help my parents out and my race. I get to go home again and hopefully stay there. I don't need to deal with this mistrust, the actions Keith and Allura took to hurt me and for what? To break me? It's going to take a lot more than that to, but I really did love him. I don't know where it went wrong." He casually loops his arm around my shoulders, looking over my new appearance. My hair is snow white instead of pitch black with dark red ruby eyes instead of light amethyst, light teal, soft skin with rainbow colored highlights in my long curly hair at my waist. Lips the same color as my eyes, body taller by three inches with a few items given to me by my family on hand.

   "You are important to the team despite what he did. He messed up his chance with you, but there will be others that will want to get to know you and fix you." I give him a sidelong look that held surprise in the red orbs. "Hey, I can be helpful or wistful at times."

   "Yeah right. Only when you want to do something that might get you or someone else in trouble." I snort out in amusement, comfortable in the combat outfit with several weapon holders and weapons on hand. Black and white the color theme of the pants, formal button up shirt, vest, and even the boots and leather fingerless gloves. Tattoos and symbols glow softly through the fabric as we walk to the command room with ease. "Are the others still following us?"

   "Yeah, they have been for awhile." My eyes roll at that as I lead Lance to the Training Grounds with a sharp turn making the group following stop abruptly. "Stop following us and go about your business. I am training with no interruptions. Come on Lance." I tug on Lance who had gone stiff, baffled by the anger in Allura's and Keith's eyes directed at him. A kiss on the cheek makes him blink at me in shock as I drag him away, the watchful eyes on us the entire way.

A Month Later

   "You missed." I dodge another robot attack, holding onto my pair of daggers with an evil smirk. Swiping the robot off their feet and stabbing the chest finishes off level twenty as I stop the simulator, pleased to see Lance's admiring expression.

   "I did not." He gets off the wall and leans in close to my face, mint breath fanning my lips as I give him a sly smirk. "Yes, you did. We've done this game for far too long now. Come on, you know you want it." My heart flutters as I enjoy his warmth and company. Even before I dated Keith for the months we had, I had gravitated to Lance with a smile, no act in place. It made Keith upset and suspicious, but we instantly clicked friends since I first joined the group when they rescued me from a covering planet to protect mine, abandoned and silent. Keith and I gradually grew in love, until the night he decided to sleep with Allura all too eagerly. That was the first time I felt true heartbreak, but I decided to give him a second chance. A mistake I wish I could take back. He went back to Allura like a moth to a flame.

   "Maybe I do. What's it to you?" It's been a month since the kiss, a month since helping my planet when I could, a month since Lance's and I flirtatious relationship grew more intimate. Each day was more special than the last, flirty jokes and passes made as we teased each other, a peck on the lips or cheek. A simple hug lasting longer than normal or wandering hands earning a smack in response. I should've been sad to not be with Keith, but I was done with it. I deserved better and he's with Allura still, showing off his affection for her as if trying to pour salt into invisible wounds. Hunk, Coran, Pidge, and Shiro understood and we got close like a weird family, laughing and fighting together. Learning together and living together. Lance...Lance was the bright in my day, seeing him made me smile and seeing him so close to me now made me finally say what we both felt. "If I kissed you, would you kiss back?"

   "Why don't you find out?" I smirk at his confident response, closing the distance just as I whisper, "Maybe I will." My lips touch his pink, plump lips in a soft manner, love pouring into the kiss to show how much I truly valued his existence. I pull him close, hands wrapping around his neck as I flick my tongue against his bottom lip. A smirk forms against my lips as he takes charge, his tongue opening my mouth and exploring, soft ragged breathing echoed as we pulled apart with a similar goofy smile.

   "I'm so glad I waited for that. It was worth it. I know it's only been a month, but would you want to go out with me? Be mine?" A breathless chuckle leaves my lips as I smile, the group that had entered a few minutes ago look shocked, but happy. Only two didn't seem happy, upset even.

   "I would love to be yours Lance. I was when you first used a pick up line on me." I kiss him again to prove I didn't feel the need to prove myself to anyone, grateful for the kind smiles and looks from Hunk, Coran, Pidge, and Shiro. They looked to Allura and Keith with contempt, still unsure why they did what they did. I pull away as Lance tries to continue it, smirking as I whisper, "Later." He turned red, but gave a knowing grin turning to the two who hurt me.

   "It takes a lot to be downgraded and lowlife, but you have nothing to prove by hurting her. you do it again, you'll have to deal with me and the others. I love her." The rest are silent, but walk over as the pair's eyes widen in shock. I wrap my arms around Lance, content despite the obvious tension.

   "I forgive you, but I will never trust you again. You broke your promise and went to her in times of comfort when I wasn't ready and trying to find myself. Allura, you are vixen, you had your eye on him for awhile, but hated the fact I took him away from you. You wanted revenge and got him hooked with lustful love. You two deserve each other. I love Lance and these I consider family. Nothing will stop me from protecting them."

   I kept my promise later that night, the two traitorous pair left without a word, knowing they were wrong. I forgot everything except Lance as he looks down at me from above, a genuine smile on his face as he leans down to peck my cheek. "I love you Serah." My mouth twitches upward in a smirk as I respond, pulling him even closer, foreheads touching along with our bare bodies.

   "I love you too Lance, but you missed."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 29, 2017 ⏰

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