You're My Flashlight

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   Why does it hurt so much? Hurt to see my fiancé Victor with another male and laughing so easily? I wasn't enough...for him? Tears cloud my vision as the two chatting away turn to look at me. Victor's ice blue eyes widen in shock, but I turn away, leaving with tears dripping down my cheeks. The sights and sounds of Kyushu do nothing but cause more memories to resurface and tears to shed. Why couldn't I have been enough? My thoughts beat my confidence down by the minute as I go to my room in a daze, locking the door. I force myself to think of other things, but Victor's face keeps surfacing with a shocked expression. More tears cascade down as I force my body up, getting ready for tomorrow. As soon as my head hits the pillow, darkness greets me. The last sound I hear is pounding on the door, a panicked voice calling out my name.

   "Yuuri, allow me to explain. I was out with-" Shutting the door and walking past a disheveled Victor makes my heart lurch. Not having the heart to say anything, I leave for Ice Castle with a lunch packed already. I sense Victor's eyes watching my retreating figure as I turn to give him a broken smile continuing on my journey. I enter without looking for Yuuko, mechanically getting ready with a depressed, blank look plastered on my face. The duffel bag placed next to me on the bench accompanied another as worried ice blue look me over. My hart leaps in throat as he leans forward, a heavy blush on my face before I get up and go to the rink. I-I could be wrong right? He was with some relative? Thinking back, the male looked nothing like Victor with long black hair and light green eyes. Pushing all thoughts out with my headphones in I turn on Shape of You, posing in the middle with my head and arms down.

   I push off in an instant step sequence followed by a lutz jump combined with a toe loop. The choreographic sequence followed by a spin mid air, pushing off with speed in for another spin as my skates hit the ice smoothly. Another step sequence followed with an axel jump and complicated step sequence. My body hits the ice rink with grace from the quadruple jump, a triple jump following and another quadruple jump. Choreographic sequence again, triple salchow. My body tucks in as I pivot to spin, my left foot replacing the right one as I get up with a fluid motion and doing a quadruple jump. Ending with two double axels I pant a bit, arms crossed in front of another, hip extended to the right. I open my eyes and see Yuuko, Yurio, and Victor watching me with evident shock in their eyes. Cautious of their stares I block them out with a flushed face moving to practice the next song, Unsteady.

   I wait for the music before raising my arms up slowly, everything else becoming blurry as I feel the music. Push off into a choreographic sequence followed by a toe loop, salchow, and axel jump. Next is the step sequence followed by a triple quadruple jump and sit spin. The scraping of ice echoes as I go into a step sequence followed by a waltz jump and toe loop. Another choreographic sequence with immediate switch to a step sequence and the triple jump. I prepare my body as I do a quadruple jump with a triple salchow ending in a spin, arms wrapped around my torso, frozen. Ignoring the persisting stares, I exit the rink, unlacing my skates with a small smile, proud.

   "Yuuri. That male from last night, I want to formally introduce you to him in a week." My heart stopping at that sentence, I see Victor with a bright gleam in his eyes as another stab makes me wince. I numbly put away the skates, going to change into the outfit I brought before I turn to Victor with a fake smile.

   "I would love to meet him. He seems very special to you. Have a good day." He looks at me confused, but brushes it off as he goes to skate himself. If I could hear my heartbreak even more, it just shattered. Sighing, I glance at the outfit certain it would be better to forget what happened for the time being. The dark blue jeans fit my figure as I wear a simple, blue button up shirt, elbow length sleeves, and black high-tops. Adjusting my blue glasses I fix my hair, wallet and phone in hand as I leave the rink without saying goodbye to anyone. The eyes watching me pierce into my head as I gulp, looking to see Victor's ice blue eyes filled with love. A pang goes through my heart as I hurry and drop off my duffel bag then into the town of Kyushu.

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