Bloody Pirates

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   "Is he always this stubborn?" My voice cuts through the howling wind piercing our ears. The shipmate looks at me with a look of exasperation screaming yes. I sigh, "We need a course besides roaming where ever the hell we are. My home is not too far off, a days worth of sailing is all it takes. The town is bustling with drunkards and strippers half the time, but it's better than some areas around here." My dark red hair whips around wildly, the black bandana firmly tied on as my matching dark red eyes solemnly watch our captain drink rum angrily.

   "We'll stop there to rest up for a few weeks. Grace will lead us there and show us where to go." I sigh again as I leave Jeremy, moving Alec out of the way as I grip the steering wheel. Hands wrap around my waist as I ignore Ryan, steering intently. Only when his lips touch my neck and his hands lower farther down do I speak up.

   "Stop touching me Captain." Gritting my teeth I kick him away in irritation, the rest of the crew giving me a sly grin as I glare at them. Scattering to do their jobs, a voice hits my ear as I stiffen up.

   "You are in no way of commanding anything from me. You should be taking what I give you and more." A low growl escapes as I snap back, the wind picking up even more as rain starts to fall hitting my face gently.

   "I am not yours nor will I ever be. I am more than just some toy for pleasure. Find a prostitute to do that. I'm done with your games Ryan. You obviously don't love me nor any other woman seriously." Footsteps echo as he leaves me be, muttering curses under his breath. I just give a grimace, a pang in my chest making me frown deeper. I do not love him. He hurt me sleeping with another right after we made love. We told each other I love you and he went to chase another whore for pleasure. Anyone would fall for him. Dark blue eyes that lured you in, unruly black hair down to his shoulders itching your fingers to go through it, and a defined lean body with muscles visible as the clothes hug his body in all the right places. He is a player and that was the simple truth. Something that stung as I fell for him foolishly despite knowing his player ways.

   "He's trying you know. Give him a break, his urges seem to appear more often than not." I allow Alec to wrap his arms around my body, relaxing into his warm touch. A sigh of content leaves me as I speak up, "It doesn't mean he has to fuck whatever has two girls in front of him. He's not ready for commitment and hides behind his act. I want someone that is ready and not afraid." He chuckles, his breath hitting my ear as I shiver, then he pressed closer to my body as something hard pokes at my back. I give him a playful glare and shoo him away. We weren't together, but we flirted and teased each other. One of my only friends on the ship that knows I've been trying to forget the bastard. The day passes by without a glimpse of our captain as everyone stuck to themselves after completing jobs. A bottle of rum is resting in my hand as I take a swig, the moon high and shining as it lights the sea with a dark welcoming gleam.

   "What are you doing up so late? Get some sleep like the rest of the crew." I attempt to wave him away, only to be turned around as lips meet mine rapidly. My eyes close in response as hands pull me closer, my own entangling in the soft black hair. His tongue darts out to my bottom lip as my mouth opens, a muffled moan escaping as his tongue meets mine. A wandering hand slips past and into my pants, rubbing.

   "W-what are you doing?" Breathless, I pull away from him reluctantly, searching his dark blue eyes for answers. The love and want in them make my knees weak as I grip his shoulders, waiting. He moves his hands back to my hips, a sigh escaping his lips as he speaks.

    "I love you Grace. I never meant to hurt you. I was afraid of my emotions, falling for you. I went to her to forget, but you were the only one on my mind as I did so many things to her. I wished it was you in her place, saying my name." A blush rises to my cheeks, heart fluttering at his truthful confession. His eyes saying everything as I give a sly smile to the nervous male.

   "I love you too Ryan, but don't ever cheat on me again or it won't just be your girlfriend you are losing." He leans in to kiss me as I pull back, teasing him with a mischievous glint in my red eyes. "How about we put your bed to good use and do what you wanted to with me? Perhaps more if you're lucky." I give a smirk, setting direction before leaving with sway of my hips.

   "W-wait up Grace!"

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