The Sokovia Accords

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  ⏳ 2016

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⏳ 2016

"You should come

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"You should come."

"I can't, Tony. Cap wants me on the Lagos mission. We finally have a lead on Rumlow and we don't want to lose him again."

"I'm sure he can survive without you for one mission."

"I don't doubt that, but it's personal."

"I finished it."

"The BARF?" He'd nodded with a smirk. I'd raised an eyebrow. "You need to work on that acronym."

"Binarily Augmented Retro-Framing, an extremely costly method of hijacking the hippocampus to clear traumatic memories. Sounds like something we both need."

"Look, Tony. I'm happy for you that you finished, but I can't pass up this mission. I need to be there when we take Rumlow down. I hope your talk goes well."

In hindsight, the device was very much needed now, even a month after the incident in Lagos happened. I didn't want to hear of it anymore. I'd heard enough. I'd heard the news reports. I'd read the articles. I'd ran the new opinions of us over and over again in my head, and it kept me up at night.

Eleven Wakandans died that day. And I felt ashamed that I had a direct part in that. They were on an outreach mission. And now they'd never return to their families. Wakanda was an ally, even as traditionally reclusive as they were. I had benefited time and time again from their help, from one man's in particular. No doubt that he hated me now.

"Our people's blood is spilled on foreign soil," the king of Wakanda had said at the recent press conference. "Not only because of the actions of criminals but by the indifference of those pledged to stop them. Victory at the expense of the innocent is no victory at all."

Guilt weighed me down, the pit of my stomach heavy. I had a part to play in what happened. I was stupid to think I could take Rumlow on alone, and, in return, my mangled hands inhibited my ability to create a portal to channel the blast to a different location. I should've done more. I should've healed faster. I was the Lady of Time, for hell's sake. I should have the power to do that. I should've been able to stop Rumlow in one swoop.

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