Chapter 1: DBUPA

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Sophia seemed to have much more strength than one could expect looking at her slim silhouette. Eli's hand was in her iron hold and as much as he wanted to free his nearly numb limb he chose to use the pain as a way to ground him instead. With something as real as the physical discomfort it was a little easier to believe that his dreams were really about to come true.

"Can you believe it?" Sophia asked breathlessly fixing her gaze on the majestic building made of red brick. Eli looked at the girl's easy smile and the sunlight flickering in her green eyes, not quite believing that his best friend could remain so calm and optimistic while he was basically falling apart.

Well, she was gripping Eli's hand a little too tightly and her smile was just slightly too bright for a regular human being. It made him believe that Sophia for once in her life could be faking her confidence. "Barely." Eli replied honestly.

A gust of wind blew into their faces making Sophia's long wavy hair go all over the place covering her face. Eli chuckled seeing her unsuccessfully trying to fix her blond curls. "Do not laugh at me!" She said when her face was once again visible. Her eyebrows were knitted and she looked like an angry little squirrel causing Eli to laugh even harder.

He hissed in pain though when he felt Sophia's sharp elbow connect with his ribs. "What was that for?"

"For being a jerk." Sophia said sticking out her tongue. Then her gaze landed on Eli's messy hair and a smirk appeared on her face. "And for the record. Has your hair even seen a brush in the last week?"

Eli rolled his eyes at her. "My natural charm is enough to make every girl...and probably some of the boys swoon over me in a matter of seconds." Eli had to admit that this friendly banter was making his heart beat a little more steady and for that he was going to be forever thankful to Sophia.

"You wish." She said but soon she schooled her face back into a mask of confidence and fake cheerfulness. "Enough of this. Let's just...let's just do this." She took a deep breath and straightened out the fabric of her red summer dress. The weather wasn't really appropriate for this kind of clothing anymore but Sophia always cared more about her looks than her health.

Eli watched as the girl took a deep breath and then slipped her hand back into his. The boy looked once again at the overwhelming building remembering all the stories he heard about the Debra Brie University for the Performing Arts. As exciting as it was Eli was painfully aware of the fact that the world they were about to enter was going to most likely chew them up before spitting out. This was going to change everything in a way Eli could only imagine.

Sophia started pulling him towards the building maneuvering between other people. Eli looked at their faces hoping to see fear and uncertainty resembling his own feelings. He did in fact notice that some of the students looked lost and scared which made him feel a little bit better about his own trembling heart.

Like a fine gentleman he of course was Eli opened the door for Sophia and let her enter the main building first. Once they were both inside Eli took a quick look around noticing that it looked just like any other school. The hallways appeared clean and not as cold and lifeless as at their high school but Eli could only guess what a nightmare it was going to be to navigate through this maze of a building.

In the centre of the specious hall there was a corkboard with various papers attached to it. Seeing as some students were gathered around it Eli and Sophia walked over to the group and looked at the board. It turned out that there was nothing really interesting expect for many different club invitations.

The two best friends looked at each other, both knowing that it was time to go separate ways. Eli really wished he could share his classes in Sophia but the girl was a gifted actress so even though she was also amazing at both singing and dancing, acting was definitely her calling. Eli just knew that one day he would see her face somewhere on a Hollywood movie poster. Meanwhile Eli would enchant the world with his dancing skills that he would be polishing in the course of upcoming years. At least that was the plan.

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