Chapter 5: Second Impressions

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Eli returned home still feeling conflicted about what had happened. He dropped his bag in the hallway, not even caring that he or Sophia could trip over it later, and headed for the living room/kitchen. He sat down on the sofa and ran his hands through his hair wondering just what he had got himself into.

Now he would have to find time for intense dance rehearsals at least a few times a week. And on top of that it didn't look like doing anything with Avery could be any fun. But now it was too late for Eli to change his mind so he had to suck it up and keep telling himself that it wasn't going to be that bad.

The girl had to be really freaking amazing if Chloe Hudson was involved in finding her a dance partner so it was a reason enough to have positive thoughts. And maybe after spending some time with Avery she would eventually drop her cold behavior.

When Sophia returned home she greeted Eli with a soft smile. It was getting colder and colder outside and yet the girl still insisted on wearing summer dresses, but this time paired with thick tights and colorful cardigan. Her wavy hair was pulled up in a bun and she looked really cute. She put her bag down on the floor and pulled off the green cardigan. "What's up?" She asked plopping down next to her best friend and snuggling up to him.

Eli wrapped his arm around her small frame, enjoying the warmth of her body so close to him. "Well, I actually have some news." He said with a small smile, not able to contain both fear that he would fail and excitement that he felt despite everything. It was still a chance to win something amazing after all.

"What's that?" The girl asked lifting up her gaze to look at him.

Eli knew she wouldn't be happy to hear that but he decided to tell her anyway. "I've changed my mind. I'm taking part in the competition after all."

Sophia sat up straight and threw herself at Eli wrapping her arms around his neck. "That's so awesome! Have you found someone?"

"Well, in a way. My dance teacher actually decided to introduce me to...ugh, Avery Lane and we agreed to compete together." Eli said avoiding his best friend's gaze.

"What?" Sophia asked moving away from Eli. Her cheeks turned bright red and a frown appeared on her face. "What did you say?"

Eli looked back at her and smiled slightly. "Yeah, I know who she is."

The girl raised her eyebrows in challenge. "And?"

"And I'm going to try to come up with something for the competition with her anyway." He said shrugging. "She can't be that bad."

Sophia groaned. "I can't believe she is so determined to steal the spotlight and outshine everyone else!" She rested her back against the cushions biting hard on her bottom lip. "That bitch."

Eli cracked up at that. "Oh, come on. Don't be like that."

"She's not even a dancer. She's in the drama division for crying out loud!" Sophia said gesturing with her hands vividly.

"I've heard she is actually a pretty decent dancer." Eli said. "She used to take dance classes...or maybe she still does. I don't really know."

Sophia rolled her eyes. "Of course. She has to be just so perfect and so flawless." She sighed crossing her arms over her chest.

"Why do you hate her so much?" Eli asked, not really sure what could piss her off so much.

Sophia looked down, clearly frustrated. "I just don't get how people who treat others like shit are always so praised for everything. They always get the best things, the best chances. And what about nice people? They are left behind because they are not interesting enough."

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