Chapter 6: Chit Chat and Coffee Dates

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"So...Marvel or DC?" Finn asked, studying Eli's face carefully.

Eli looked up from the book he had been reading for the past twenty minutes. "Marvel, of course." He said without hesitation.

"Dude, are you serious?" Finn asked leaning his back against the armchair.

Eli sighed and closed his book, preparing himself for a serious conversation. "Have you even watched any of the DC movies?"

"Well, a devoted fan can look through all that confusing nonsense and notice the real brilliance in the greediness and serious characters." Eli raised his eyebrows and chuckled in amusement. "Ugh, a true fan prefers reading comic books, anyway. Movies aren't the most important."

"But everything about the DC universe is so overdramatic." Eli pointed out getting himself worked up. "Marvel is fun and they don't take themselves so seriously all the damn time. And for the movies they get actors that basically are the characters."

Finn sighed shaking his head. "Movies, movies, movies. They crack so many jokes that in real life they would get smashed."

"Comic book films are not like real life by definition." Eli remarked.

Finn chuckled. "Let's just agree to disagree, okay?"

Eli smiled opening back his book. "That'd be a good idea."

They went back to studying in silence and Eli found himself enjoying spending time with Finn. They didn't really talk much outside of class but even though they were quiet, reading books together in the library seemed like a good way to bond.

The door suddenly swung open and Eli lifted up his gaze to see Avery walk in. The librarian scolded her for being so loud to which she responded by waving off the poor woman and sat down by an empty table. Avery glanced briefly at Eli but didn't acknowledge his presence in any way.

Seeing that his friend was distracted Finn followed his line of sight and shook his head. "Dude...I feel so sorry for you."

Eli sighed rubbing his face. "Ugh, I have no idea how we are supposed to make it work. We can't agree on anything." Finn chuckled. "This is not funny." Eli said remembering his painful decision to let Avery go through with her idea to do something more innovative. Today they were finally going to start working on the choreography and Eli just knew it was going to be a nightmare.

"It kind of is, actually." Finn said.

Eli ignored him and tried to focus back on reading his book but each time he tried to process new information he would look up to see what Avery was doing. She was curled up on the armchair with her ear buds in her ears and an open book displayed in front of her. Eli found himself wondering what she was reading.

She had her eyes focused on the text making Eli wish he could see her dark eyes. "Someone's got a little crush." Finn said in a sing-song voice pulling the boy out his thoughts. Eli looked over at him and noticed a toothy smirk on his face.

"What? No." Eli replied rolling his eyes. "She's...she's difficult."

Finn shrugged his shoulders still smirking. "So what? Everyone's difficult."

Eli sighed crossing his arms over his chest. "All I could ever dream about is just being civil with her. That would be simply...fantastic." He said and checked the time on his cell phone. Sophia should appear any minute now and they would go out for a lunch together. "You want to go grab something to eat with me and Sophia?" He asked.

"Nah, I'm fine." Finn said waving his hand dismissively. But then he quirked his thick eyebrows and once again smirked. "But you could invite Avery to go with you. I haven't seen her around many people."

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