Chapter 3: Ice Queen

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Eli yawned propping his face up on his palm and trying to scribble in his notebook even though his writing was barely recognizable. It was nearing one AM and despite the bed looking so comfortable and nice Eli had to keep doing homework for the next day. He had known how hard it could get but the amount of work he had to put into every single class was just overwhelming.

Trying to have any kind of social life was a complete nightmare for Eli and he found himself unable to find common ground with any of his classmates apart from Finn. And even if he did have any friends he wouldn't be able to spend any time with them unless he wanted to fall behind.

It was getting annoying because somehow Sophia kept making new friends, going out with them or even inviting them over for study sessions. Eli couldn't determine whether her classes were really that easy or if her academic work was seriously suffering from her attempts at making herself likeable.

When Eli finally finished doing homework he closed all of his books and shoved them into his backpack so that he wouldn't forget them in the morning. He preferred wearing his satchel but after two weeks of his shoulder hurting like hell he realized that putting the weight on his back could be a better idea.

Eli didn't even bother to take a shower and instead just fell face down onto his bed and closed his eyes putting his cheek against the soft pillow. All too soon his alarm clock went off and Eli grunted feeling like he hadn't got any sleep at all.

He quickly took a hot shower in hopes that it would wake him up and when it did in fact make him think more straight Eli wandered over to the kitchen where Sophia was already eating breakfast. When he looked at her face he couldn't believe that he was seeing correctly. The girl looked stunning, better than ever. Her green eyes were wide open and a soft smile was gracing her features. Her blond hair was flowing down her shoulders and she looked like she was ready to take on the world. "How do you do that?" Eli asked proceeding to pour himself a cup of coffee, obviously made by his best friend.

"Do what?" She asked raising her perfectly shaped eyebrows.

Eli rubbed his eyes still feeling like he was seconds away from passing out. "How do you seem so...awake?"

Sophia chuckled and took a bite of her sandwich. "I sleep, dummy."

Eli rolled his eyes raising the mug up to his lips and letting the warm liquid shake his body into a more awake state. "Well, I sleep too. But first I drive myself crazy with all the homework." He paused for a moment feeling like he wasn't in on some joke. "Don't you have any ever?"

Sophia chucked again. "Well, of course I do. But since most of it is usually something I get to do with other people like group projects, I use this time as a good way to make new friends."

Eli furrowed his eyebrows in question. "Group projects? You only ever do group projects?"

Sophia nodded her head shoving the rest of her sandwich into her mouth and chewing loudly. "Yeah...Mr. Walker is very fond of them and Mrs. Harris keeps giving us some stupid homework but she doesn't really care whether or not we actually complete it so it's fine."

Eli groaned taking another sip of his coffee. "You're so lucky. My professors are bat shit crazy when it comes to homework. Like...why do I need to know every single detail of music history? I can bet that I will never have to use this precious knowledge."

Sophia stood up from the table and put her empty plate into the sink. "As much as I would love to keep listening to you complain all day I really have to go. I promised Brad I would have coffee with him before classes."

"Who's Brad?" Eli asked smirking.

Sophia rolled her eyes pressing a soft kiss onto Eli's cheek. "He's just a friend. Calm down." She swung her bag over her shoulder and ran her hand through her hair. "Okay, I really have to go. See you later."

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