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I love you too
Maybe in some shitty, cheesy, coffee-shop-date-in-the-rain sort of way,
maybe like a brother, or maybe like a friend.
I care about you too much to put to words.
I miss you in a way that makes my heart ache for 6th grade, walking home and talking shit about people,
For before I knew you and all the emptiness I felt,
For 7th grade and loving you with all of my heart, soul, and being and then for loosing you and loosing a piece of myself,

I miss you for this summer and crying myself to sleep and staring at the couples in the street trying not to cry
And for shaking while I write this message.
I miss you in a stupid, platonic, kiss-in-the-rain-that-I-always-dreamed-of sort of way
And in a way that makes me dizzy and love sick
I miss you so much
And I love you with everything that I have.

I miss you in the way that my heart is pounding and my soul is shaking and my hands are clamby and I feel like I'm going to throw up and that my head feels so light and heavy at the same time
I miss you in the way that I feel I could die any moment and never feel the difference.
I miss you in the way that saying that, I let out a breath I didn't realize I'd been holding.

I miss you, and I love you

Sad Poetry from a Happy WorldWhere stories live. Discover now