Ch.13 Warning

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Being the vampire that she is, Lilith always enjoyed hanging out in dark places, especially the cemetery, her brother had a date so she was by herself, but that didn't bother her as she sat against a tombstone and listened to the quiet sound of night while drinking blood from her canteen. But the sound of quiet soon came to a stop when her phone rang, she pulled it out and saw that her brother was calling.

"What is it now Zack?" she answered with a sigh.

"Where did you put the movie 'Dracula'?" Zack asked.

"Seriously?" she questioned dully.

"Yes seriously."

Unlike most vampires, Zack and Lilith had almost every vampire movie ever made. While some may consider vampire movies offensive, they found it delightful and enjoyed making fun of them.

"It's in my room" she replied with a sigh.

"Okay thanks."

"How's it going with you and your 'date'?"

"It's going great" he smiled as he turned around to see Kelly who was sitting on his couch as she smiled and waved at him as he waved back.

"You know to always save some for me right?" Lilith put in with a smirk.

"Of course" he replied "I'll see you later tonight."

"Have fun" she grinned as they hung up.

After that, Zack went up to Kelly and held his hand to her as she took it.

"Let's have some fun shall we?" he said with a charming smile as he pulled her up.

"She tell you where the movie is?" Kelly asked.

"She did, and now-" he gently placed his hands on her shoulders "We can have some real fun."

And with that he exposed his fangs as he smiled, and soon the 'real fun' began.


After the bar, the group went into the parking lot where they gathered around Vincent's car and decided to chill for a bit before going home as they drank their beers.

"I gotta say-" Peyton spoke up "The vampire world is pretty interesting, it's not as creepy and mysterious as I thought it was."

"What did you expect it to be like?" Vincent asked "Like a cult?"

"Exactly, but instead you guys are like normal people, expect you're vampires and all. And I'm also surprised that neither of you talk like you're in pain."

"I was the thinking the same thing" Jimmy agreed.

"Do you want me to talk like I'm in pain?" Vincent asked with a chuckle.

"Well not completely in pain" Peyton explained "In vampire movies, they talk like they're in pain, but it's like they're trying to hide it. So pretend like you just ate moldy cheese and then you got punched in the stomach and you're trying to hold back your pain and at the same time you're trying not to vomit."

"Okay...?" he said a bit disgusted as he cleared his throat and started to talk in a deep and mysterious tone "It's like a drug to me."

At that point everyone burst out laughing.

"Okay this is too awkward and embarrassing" Vincent laughed "I am never gonna talk in that voice again."

"If it makes you feel any better-" Peyton put in "You did sounded hot."

"Why thank you" he smiled.

But all of a sudden, a familiar scent caught his nose as he gave a sniff, a scent that indicated someone dangerous.

"What you got?" Jimmy asked him.

"I think it's me" Zack suddenly appeared from behind Vincent as Vincent backed away with a warning glare.

"Well what's going on?" Zack asked with a smirk with a blood stain down his chin "Are you all having a get together without me?"

"Uh, you got a little..." Jimmy motioned his chin.

"What?" Zack questioned as he felt his chin.

"A little..."

Zack felt his chin and saw the blood on his fingers from his chin.

"Oh" he said as he wiped the blood away.

"Okay it's off" Jimmy assured as Vincent rolled his eyes.

"Well then-" Zack smirked "It seems that the whole gang is here, at the vegetarian vampire bar."

"What do you want Zack?" Vincent frowned "I know you didn't just come here to socialize."

"You're right" Zack smirked again "I didn't. I came here because I have to deliver a message to you from my father."

"What does he want now?" Vincent questioned annoyed.

"He wanted me to tell you that the more you keep this up, the more you loose your chance of getting the cure. And you want the cure don't you?"

"Why does your father care whether I get the cure or not?" Vincent asked with a hint of sarcasm.

"He doesn't, all he cares about is getting blood, and if you don't do what he says, it's gonna be a very bad ending for you and your friends."

Vincent gave a small growl with a grimly stare as his eyes flashed a blood red color, signifying anger.

"So if I were you-" Zack smirked "I'd get the job done, unless of course, I can do the job for you, and I know exactly who to start with."

At that point Vincent gave a loud threatening hiss with his fangs out and his eyes still red as Zack too hissed back with his fangs and his eyes the same crimson color. At that point Peyton know that Zack meant her, and she could already feel her heart beating against her rib cage just like a hummingbird when she first saw Vincent, only this time, it was beating with fear.

"Okay okay calm down now before someone gets hurt" Jimmy suddenly held his hands towards them with a worried look on his face "We don't wanna start attracting the cops now do we?"

"Like the cops would have a chance against a vampire" Peyton thought while adding sarcasm.

"Consider this your last warning Vincent" Zack warned "You either get blood yourself, or I will."

Vincent clenched his fists and growled some more with his fangs still exposed, and even though his eyes went back to normal, he still stared at Zack with a death glare.

"You got until this Saturday to prove yourself" Zack added as he got closer to Vincent "And I mean you give actual human blood that you got yourself, with no help. Understood?"

Vincent just stood there, too steaming with anger to say anything.

"I said understood?" Zack asked strongly.

"We get it" Peyton suddenly scowled "Now leave before I knock out your fangs and use them as a key chain."

Now Peyton knew that she couldn't possibly do that, but she needed a comeback. And by the looks of Zack's face as he chuckled, she knew it wasn't that good.

"I'd like to see you try" he smirked before shooting up into the night sky and flying off.

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