Ch.14 Battle plan

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She didn't know what was going on, but Peyton had found herself alone and walking down an empty sidewalk at night. There was no one around but herself, but she could feel eyes on her. All she wanted to do was go home, but she felt lost, and she didn't have her phone with her. She then came to a stop when she had a feeling in her gut that someone was behind her, she was too scared to turn around, but she did so, only to see no one.

But when she turned back around, she was shocked to see Zack in front of her with his eyes red as he exposed his fangs and sank them into her neck.

At that point Peyton woke up with a shriek as she tumbled out of her bed and onto the floor with a thud.

"Ow" she moaned.

Just then her door opened as Molly ran in and turned on the lights.

"Peyton what happened?" she gasped.

"Oh Jesus" Peyton sighed as she got up "I had this horrible nightmare that Zack bit me on my neck."

"Oh!" Molly said surprised.

"Ever since last night when Zack warned Vincent about the blood thing, I can't stop thinking about it."

"You're telling me-" Molly agreed "I'm like so scared that vampires are gonna go after us, I even had to get up to take a shit because I was so nervous."

Peyton gave a moan as she plopped down on her bed.

"What are we gonna do Molly?" she muttered "We got until Saturday to figure things out, or else we became food for vampires."

"Well-" Molly replied "If I was being hunted down by a monster, which in this case we pretty are, I know what I would do."

"Kill yourself so you wont die a miserable death?"

"No" Molly frowned "Suicide is already a miserable death. I'd get prepared, meaning I gather every vampire weaknesses and have them ready."

At that point an idea popped in Peyton's head.

"Are you thinking what I'm thinking?" she smirked.

"That we go shopping tomorrow for every vampire weaknesses?" Molly grinned.

"You read my mind."

So the next day, after doing some shopping, the girls arrived back to their dorm with supplies.

"Okay, shopping for vampire weaknesses is not as easy as it sounds" Peyton stated "All we got are tons of garlic and some crosses."

"Maybe Vincent can help us get more things" Molly put in.

"Why didn't I think of that?" Peyton questioned a bit astonished "I'll text him."

"In the meantime, I'll go ahead and hang garlic near the door and windows. Which reminds me, until this dilemma is over, we don't invite anyone to our dorms expect Vincent and Jimmy."

"Good idea, now that we know vampires are real, we never know who could be vampires."

"Uh, that wasn't the reason. They may see the garlic and they'll think we've been watching too many vampires movies again."

"Also good idea."

Peyton then remembered the time they had a marathon of watching vampires movies, and since they were young, Peyton would hang garlic near her door and window to keep the vampires out. But as she got older she felt embarrassed, but now it seemed like a good idea.

"Hey by the way-" Molly added "We should watch some vampire movies tonight, you know to get more ideas."

"And we can invite the guys over" Peyton put in with a smile.

"Movie party tonight!" Molly exclaimed with a smile as she swayed her hips before going into her room with the garlic.

Peyton gave a small laugh just as she heard a knock at the door.

"Who is it?" she called.

"It's a burglary who wants to rob your undies" she heard Vincent's voice say.

"Molly hide your undies!" Peyton exclaimed with a smile "Vincent's here."

She then opened the door and there stood Vincent, looking as hot as ever.

"Hey" he greeted with a smile.

"Hey back" she greeted back as she let him in "You're not gonna actually steal our undies are you?"

"Why would I in the first place?"

"I don't know, you're the one who started it."

He gave a small chuckle when he noticed the garlic on the counter as he stepped back.

"I can see you girls are preparing" he said.

"Yeah, ever since last night's warning, we've been really scared about vampires hunting us."

"You should be scared, I don't know what I'm gonna do, if I don't do what they say, not only will I not get the cure, but you could get killed."

"That's why we need your help, finding vampire weaknesses is not that easy, so we need your help to gather as much vampire weaknesses as we can. And not only that, if we wanna survive this, then we gotta come up with a battle plan."

"A battle plan?" he said surprised.

"I'm calling it Operation Blast the Suckers to Hell" she grinned "Sounds cool huh? I'm been waiting all day to say those words."

"Peyton hold on, these are vampires we're dealing with, and I mean human sucking immortal vampires who are more powerful than weaklings like me. If you go against them, you'll be dead in seconds."

"That is exactly why we need your help, and not just your help, but all of your vampire friends. This is a matter between life and death, no wait, life and vampirism, yeah that's it. Well actually it is pretty much death, but you get the idea. The point is, we got until Saturday to come up with a plan, now I know that if you don't prove yourself to- what do you call him? The Boss? The Big Man? Or Big Vamp or what?"

"Well I refer to him just as Him."

"Him? Does he even have a name?"

"I don't know his name, everyone calls him either Master or Your Great, but I prefer Him."

"Okay..." she said a bit confused "Him it is."

"But look-" he sighed "Even if I did wanted to prove myself to him, how am I going to get blood from a human that I 'supposedly' killed?"

"We'll figure something out. But in the meantime, I say we prepare ourselves and watch every vampire movie ever made to get inspiration and ideas on how we're gonna send those neck biters back to hell so Satan can welcome them home."

Vincent stood there astonished by her speech as he gave a small chuckle.

"So are you with me?" she asked with a small smile that made him smile back.

"You bet your sweet ass I am" he replied.

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