Ch.10 Interviewing the vampire

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By the time it was their lunch break, Peyton and Molly found a table as they waited for the guys while already snacking on their food.

"So Vincent and Jimmy wanna take us to a vampire bar?" Molly questioned.

"Pretty much" Peyton answered with a slight shrug "I mean it's a safe place, all of the vampires there are just like Vincent, they don't drink human blood."

"Well in that case, I guess I'm in for it."

"You are huh?" they turned around to see Vincent along with Jimmy.

"Hey Vincent" Peyton smiled as she turned to Jimmy "And you must be Jimmy."

"Oh I was hoping you wouldn't notice" Jimmy said with disappointment as he then turned to Molly "And you must be Molly."

"I was hoping you wouldn't notice" she smirked.

"I like her already" Jimmy whispered to Vincent as they sat in front of the girls.

"So you girls will be joining us for the bar?" Vincent questioned.

"It seems so" Peyton replied "When?"

"How does Wednesday sound at 6?"

"I'm in" Molly responded.

"Me too" Peyton agreed.

"So what kind of food and drinks do they have at the bar?" Molly asked "Because I'm not eating anything that's not cooked and or bloody."

"Don't worry" Vincent assured with a small smile "They don't always sell bloody foods."

"Although they do sell vampire cocktails" Jimmy put in "Which surprisingly doesn't have any blood in it."

"Actually they do" Vincent suddenly smirked.

"Wait what?" Jimmy's eyes widen "I thought you said there wasn't."

"I lied, and that was because the first time you drank it, it was the day you broke my Xbox."

"Oh..." Jimmy bit his lip with guilt "I don't know which is more freakier, the fact that I drank it, or the fact that I liked it."

Peyton gave a small giggle, for a vampire who seem mysterious and charming, Vincent also seemed to have a sense of humor, which made her more attracted to him.

"But you girls don't have to freak out about blood at the bar" Vincent put in "You can always ask the bartenders to not put any blood in your drinks."

"Oh good" Molly breathed in relief "I was worried I would find a finger in my drink."

"Hey didn't a guy actually found a finger in his beer one time?" Jimmy asked Vincent.

"It was a thumb" Vincent corrected.

"Wait, how did that happen?" Peyton asked with confusion "I thought you guys didn't drink human blood."

"We don't, it happened because one of the cooks lost his thumb while chopping up some meat and it must of fallen into one of the drinks by mistake. And it was a good thing that guy found it before he took a sip, otherwise he would of gotten really sick."

"Hey is it true that a vampire can die from drinking another vampire's blood?" Molly suddenly asked.

"That is true, it's like if a human drinks salt water, it kills them."

"Damn" Peyton breathed.

"So what are the powers of being a vampire?" Molly asked "I mean I know most of them, but are there more?"

"Well let's see" Vincent said as he began to list them out "There's super speed, super strength, good sense, good hearing, good sight, fast healing, immortality depending on what kind of vampire you are, and flight."

"So you really can fly?" Peyton questioned astonished.

"Yep, and I gotta admit, having vampire powers is pretty sick, but of course there's always the weakness that I have to avoid."

"Are they the same weaknesses we know?"

"Pretty much. It's the same with all vampires, garlic, holy water, crosses, stake through the heart, you know."

"It must suck not being able to be near garlic" she added.

"You're telling me" he agreed with a small frown as he pointed to Jimmy "Jimmy here would sometimes eat garlic food in front of me just to piss me off."

"It's not my fault I like garlic food and you can't have any" Jimmy responded.

"You know that's it" Vincent frowned "The next time you eat garlic food in front of me again, I will bite you."

"Oh okay" Jimmy waved his hands up with sarcasm.

"Now another thing-" Molly put in "Is it true that vampires don't have reflections?"

"Sadly yes" Vincent replied "That's why I try to use restrooms when it's empty."

"You know I don't understand" Peyton spoke up "If vampires don't have reflections, then how come they always end up looking so hot?"

He gave a small chuckle.

"Well, that's mainly a problem for female vampires" he answered "Cause they gotta do their makeup and stuff. So to answer your question, we either do each others hair and stuff, or we just guess, and as more me, I look the same as always, perks of being a guy."

"Lucky" Peyton grunted "Whenever guys wake up they still look the same, but as me, whenever I wake up, I look like I just came back from dinosaur time."

"It's true" Molly agreed "Hey hair looks wild, and her breath stinks."

"Your breath stinks too Molly" Peyton argued "It's called morning breath."

"Well then-" Vincent spoke up "Any other questions?"

"Yeah" Molly said "Do you burn in sunlight, or do you sparkle?"

"Oh boy" Vincent sighed "Vampires don't sparkle in the sunlight, we burn, if we stay in sunlight long we die. Although I kinda wished we would sparkle instead of burn, cause I miss going to the beach."

"Bummer" Peyton agreed.

"One last question-" Molly added "Do you have a coffin?"

"No" he groaned, already threw with that question since she first asked him.

"Okay then-" Peyton announced "From what we know, being a vampire is both cool and a curse."

"You have no idea how hard it is being a vampire" Vincent sighed "From having to find blood to keeping it a secret, it's been rough for me."

"Well don't worry, we'll try to make it easy for you. We'll keep your secret, and we'll try to give you blood."

"Hey do you have to drink blood?" Molly suddenly asked him.

"Unfortunately yes" he sighed with disappointment "If I don't, I'll turn dangerous, and if I don't drink blood in 24 hours, I'll die."

"Oh you poor thing" Peyton sighed sadly.

"What if you can't afford animal blood?" Molly asked "Will you drink human blood to survive?"

Vincent gave an astonished look.

"Oh man" he said surprised "I never thought about that. I don't know, I wish I don't have to."

Peyton wondered the same thing, if Vincent couldn't afford animal blood, will he drink human blood?

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