The Boggart

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My very first Harry Potter fanfic.  I think that Draco Malfoy is a wonderfully misunderstood character, so here's a scene I really would have loved to read in the real book. I know that it would never had happened like this though. Lucius Malfoy loves his son and even though he's a shitty dad, I don't believe that he ever would beat his son. But seriously, what would Draco's Boggart turn into? And how would he react? I'm guessing on Lucius or Voldemort. But if it's Lucius I don't think that he's actually afraid of the man himself, I think more it's the fear of disappointing him... oh well.
This story will eventually end out in some Drarry because, duh, best ship ever (just after Merthur of course).
My story will partly follow the film, the book and my own story line. It's in the third year, Draco has been "attacked" by Buckbeak, but he has not the swing on his arm.
I'm sorry for any mistakes. I'm from Denmark, so my English isn't the best.
I think that's all. Enjoy<3

Warnings: child abuse, physical abuse, psychological abuse.
Disclaimer: all rights goes to the amazing J.K Rowling.

Draco's POV
All the students stood frozen in the middle of the little classroom. Everyone except Draco Malfoy of course. He stood over in a corner with Gregory Goyle and Vincent Crabbe behind him. Draco sighed and looked over at the same thing as everyone else in the room. The big wooden wardrobe, that made a good job catching everyone attention, stood over at the opposite wall, shaking and jumping. The doors shook every time something banged against them from the inside. Draco looked around at his fellow classmates. They all looked frightened. Draco turned his gaze back to the wardrobe. Even he could feel a his heart rate speed up a little, but he would never show. Malfoys did not get scared. "Nothing to worry about. There's a boggart in there" their new teacher in the dark arts, Professor Lupin said camly.
Not many of the students seemed to get more relaxed after knowing what the creature was named. Draco rolled his eyes. A boggart? Seriously? This was all too easy. Boggarts were not even dangerous. Draco turned irritated when he could feel Crabbe's quick breath on his neck. "Relax, will you?" he spat.
He turned back to the teacher. Lupin was telling all about Boggarts, but Draco didn't care. Like it would matter, where the stupid creature lived anyways. Instead he looked at Longbottom who stood all pale and shaky in front of the wardrobe. The doorknob had started to rattle apprehensively. "Have you spotted it Harry?" Lupin asked.
Draco hadn't heard the question, but he looked over at the raven haired boy to see if he could answer. Granger almost jumped up and down hoping to get to answer the question. Draco snorted. She was almost worse than Potter when it came to getting attention. Harry also seemed slightly distracted, but he, never the less, answered. "Er- because there's so many of us, it won't know what shape it should be?"
Lupin smiled. "Precisely".
"Of course Saint Potter knew the answer" Draco thought irritated. He looked at the tall Gryffindor. He was looking interested at Lupin. His hair wild as always and his hands in his pockets. Draco quickly looked away. It was becoming a bad habit looking so much at the other boy. Draco did not know where it came from. He tried to focus on the lesson. "We will practise the charm without wands first. After me, please ... riddikulus!" Lupin said.
"Riddikulus" the class said together.
Draco sighed and relaxed against the wall beside of him. "This class is ridiculous" he mumbled.
Pansy looked over at him and giggled, but Draco ignored her. Lupin was explaining Neville what to do about the Boggart and Draco couldn't stop his chuckle. The little fat Gryffindors biggest fear was Snape. It really told a thing or two about how much courage it took to become a Gryffindor. But like everyone else Draco had to let out a silent giggle when Snape suddenly stood in the middle of the class dressed in Nevilles grandmothers clothes. "Get in a line everyone. Next!" Lupin said and moved back to the wall.
Draco pushed a girl from Gryffindor away so he could get all the way behind the line. He really didn't want to stand up against the Boggart. He had no idea what the Boggart would turn into if he faced it and he did not intend to find out. He could hear laughter when the Weasel had whimpered his "Riddiculus" but he couldn't see anything for the other students. He really didn't care either. Even though the line was slowly moving Draco stayed behind, until; "Draco. No need to hide. Your turn!" Lupin yelled over the laughter.
Draco looked up in surprise. He didn't know what to do. He had not thought about his Boggart. He slowly walked up against the Boggart that in the moment looked like a vampire, but all its teeth had fallen out, and it looked around confused. Draco sank nervously. What would it turn into? How could he make, what ever it turned into, to a funny thing. Draco tried to keep on his normal cold, confident mask, but inside, his heart was racing. He could feel the other students look at him. All the laughter was gone and had been replaced by whispering. "What do you think?" Someone said quietly.
"I'm bedding it's a hippogriff" another voice said.
Draco growled irritated and took the final step against Boggart. It slowly turned to look at him. Draco' brain was spinning trying to get an idea, but the whispers behind him distracted him. He looked up and met the vampires cold eyes, before they suddenly were gone and replaced by some dark grey ones. Everyone in the room gasped including Draco himself. He stared at the man in front of him. The polished boots, the black vest, the stock with the silver snake on top. Draco knew this man all to well and he could feel his breathing stop for a moment. Lucius Malfoy looked down at his son with disgust painted on his face. Draco didn't know what to do. That face always meant one thing. "You're pathetic excuse of a Malfoy" Lucius spat out and took a step against the shivering boy.
Draco didn't move. He knew that if he did, his fathers anger would only increase.  "You can't do anything right. You're a disgrace to this family" Lucius continued.
Draco looked down. He had forgotten where he was and what he was doing. All he could think about was the words from his fathers mouth and all he could feel was the shame. He knew that all of this was true. He knew that if his farther said it, of course it was true.


Thanks for reading. Part two will be up soon.
If you feel generous you can go follow me on Instagram: colinmorgan_fan or hogwarts_and_the_ferret

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