The Inquisitorial Squad

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I'm just quickly apologizing for my lazy ass. I'm sorry for the long wait, but here it is: the next chapter. I hope you like it!
(All right goes to the wonderful J.K Rowling)


"What is he doing here?" Pansy shrieked when Harry for the first time, as far as Draco knew, stepped into the Slytherin common room.

Harry still remembered that time in their second year, where Ron and himself sneaked in, pretending to be Crabbe and Goyle. Maybe a story for later. "He's here with me" Draco sneered back.

Crabbe and Goyle send each other a confused look. Luckily not many people were in the common room. Only some first years, Pansy and Crabbe and Goyle. The first years were starring at them curiously. "Why?" Pansy asked, her normal sass gone in her confusion.

"Because we wanted to spend some time together" Draco said and pulled Harry with him over to a little green couch.

"We're really doing it" Harry mumbled, so the other couldn't hear them.

Draco nodded, a relived smile on his face.

"They hate me" Draco complained on their way down to the room of requirement.

"You hate them too" Harry pointed out.

They had just spend some time in the Gryffindor common room to do their homework together and the fellow Gryffindors wasn't happy about sharing their room with a Slytherin all of a sudden, to put it mildly. It had been around a month now of them being more open about their relationship. Harry hated to admit it, but he had come to the conclusion that maybe it hadn't been the best idea. He was used to being talked about, the whispering behind his back and the mean comments, but Draco wasn't. He was used to people respecting him too much to do so or be too afraid when Crabbe and Goyle were around. It was clear for Harry, even though Draco wouldn't admit it, that it took hard on him, when people commented on their relationship or the fact that he spend time in the Gryffindor common room all of a sudden. It had also been a struggle to make him anticipate in the D.A classes. But Harry had succeeded in dragging with him a couple of times now.

"Yes, but that's not the point" Draco said and dramatically threw his head back.

Harry chuckled. "You're such a drama queen".

"I am not!" Draco exclaimed.

They stopped in front of the wall on the seventh-floor corridor. "Maybe I should just go to the library" Draco said and turned to leave, but Harry caught his arm.

"Come on. I like having you there" he pleaded.

Draco rolled his eyes. "We both know that's not true. No one likes me so you have to baby me all the time".

"You have no idea how nerve wrecking it is to stand in front of all those people, pretending to be some teacher. You give me courage" Harry said, looking the Slytherin in the eyes.

Draco blushed furiously. "You can't just say stuff like that without warning" he complained.

"Besides you're the Gryffindor. You're supposed to be the one with the courage".

Harry smiled and leaned in for a quick kiss. "You're supposed to rival with all Gryffindors, but look at you".

"Haha, clever" Draco mumbled and looked at Harry as he walked past the wall, eyes closed, thinking of the room he wanted to appear.

Everyone was already waiting for them. People standing up as soon as he entered, wands in their hands. "Hey everyone" Harry said and smiled around to everyone.

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