Just the Same

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Hello again. Here's the next part. I have finally found out what I wanted with this story, and since I have vacation I have time to write it, so hopefully I'm going to be able to post a lot of this story over the next couple of weeks. Hope you will enjoy this next part! I promise lots and lots of Drarry and Drarry fluff later.

(All rights to the wonderful J.K Rowling)


Harry POV

Harry kept a close eye on the Slytherin boy the next couple of days and to his big disappointment couldn’t he see any difference in his behavior. Somehow Draco had gotten Crabbe and Goyle back on his side and that had made sure to get the teasing to stop. Every time someone made a comment on the incident with the boggart the two giant boys would just play with their muscles and look threatening and people would be quick to disappear. But Harry had noticed one change, Draco avoided the golden trio as much as he possible could. One time him and the blond boy had made eye contact and Draco had blushed and quickly looked away. Harry was mad and irritated, mostly at himself. That he actually had thought that Draco Malfoy would change. Everything was just like it had always been. Just like they had turned the clock back. Just the same.

After a couple of weeks he dismissed it. There was nothing he could do about it. His life was also busy with the threat of Sirius Black and Buckbeats execution. But he couldn’t help to glance over at the boy for time to time, and he had no idea why.

Draco POV

Draco felt miserable. Somehow, he didn’t know how, his father had found out about the teasing and mocking from the other students. He had sent a letter to his son, telling him that he had got to get his reputation back, what ever the cost. The letter had been multiple pages long and he just kept rambling about the importance of being feared and respected when you call you self a Malfoy.

Therefor Draco did exactly what he always had done. He got Crabbe and Goyle back, that hadn’t been hard, all he had to do was yell a bit, and now again, he was the bully. The small kids feared him and even most of the older once kept a distance. The Slytherins looked up to him and it looked like everything was forgotten. But he couldn’t help to feel the small sting of pain in his chest every time he saw Potter, Granger and Weasley. Could he really have become a part of that? Could he really have become friends with Potter? He found himself trying his best to get away from them and one time he got eye contact with Potter he felt his whole face turn crimson red. After that he beat himself up mentally. The words in his head, his fathers words, kept on playing, like a playlist on repeat; “stupid, weak, meaningless, pathetic”. Every time he was in the same room as Potter he could feel the disappointed eyes burning a hole in him.

And soon now it would be summer break and Draco had to go home. He both couldn’t wait and dreaded it. He longed to get away from the school. He hated everyday living in the pretense and having to avoid the dark haired boy. But it wasn’t because home always was so much better. But if he wanted it or not, time passed, and before he knew it he was back on the train and heading home to his parents.

He took a deep breath before opening the doors to the mansion. His mother walked close behind him with  hand on his shoulder. “Welcome home” she said and a voice that didn’t held a lot emotion.

Draco nodded and walked in. The place was cold and silent, just as he remembered it to be. “Your father wishes to see you” Narcissa Malfoy said when she had closed the door after them. Again Draco nodded. With heavy steps he walked down the hall, heading for his fathers office. When he reached the door his raised his hand and knocked silently. “Yes!” the answer sounded.

Draco opened the door with slightly trembling hands. Lucius Malfoy sat behind his desk with a pen in his hand. He looked up when his son entered. “Draco” he said.
He slowly rose and walked around the desk until he stood face to face with the skinny boy. Draco looked down at his feet, his whole body tensing up. “I heard you made a mistake at school. Showed just how weak you are” Lucius said with a voice that made Dracos inside turn to ice.
The tall man took a firm grip in his sons face and lifted it so he could look him in the eyes. “I also heard that you corrected that mistake, that´s good” he continued, still holding the iron grip on the pale face.
Draco tried not to whimper from the pain. “Just never let it happen again” Lucius said and squeezed a bit harder, which made Draco bite his lip to not scream, and then released him.
“Welcome home” he said and turned back to his work.
Draco slowly nodded with glassy eyes and turned to the door. “Thank you father” he quickly said before again safe on the other side of the door.


I hoped you like it. I really want them to be a bit older when I continue this, that's why they're are going to enjoy a summerbreak before they get to meet again. I promise Drarry will happen as soon as they get back to school. I have the whole story planned in my head and I'm actually really exited to share it, so I will try updating soon.

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