Last Chance

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Hey! So, I'm trying to follow the story line a little bit, so some of the story continues in the background without you really hearing it. DA exists and Harry's detentions with Umbridge. Stuff like that. So, now that you know, have fun.
(All rights goes to the wonderful J.K Rowling)


A week had past and Harry felt more stressed than ever. Hagrid still wasn’t back plus the detentions with Umbrigde and the fact that he hadn’t got to play Quidditch in such a long time was awful. He wanted more than anything to write a letter to Sirius, but Hermione thought of it as a bad idea. But when he woke up early a Sunday morning, he couldn’t help but to sneak up and sit down in the common room and write the letter. He was sure than no one could read anything suspicious out of it. He ignored the stinging pain on his hand where the words “I must not tell lies” was now standing clear and red, while walking down the halls towards the Owlery. He was sure it was going to leave scares. His hate towards the toad like teacher burned hot in his stomach.

The sun was high on the sky now and when Harry entered the Owlery the glassless windows dazzled his eyes. It took him a second before he realized that he was not alone up there. A Pale, skinny, boy was standing at one of the widows, tying a letter to a golden owl´s out stretched leg. Harry considered for a moment to just turn around and leave, but then decided against it. He couldn’t run every time he ran into the other boy. He looked up at all the sleepy owls, searching for white feathers among all the brown and golden ones. “Hedwig” he called when he spotted her.

She looked down at him, spread her wings and flew down to sit on his arm, gently nipping at his hair. “Good morning” he mumbled and stroke her smooth feathers.

Draco had turned towards him, when he had heard his voice. Harry tried to ignore him, tying his letter to Hedwigs leg. She was out the window as soon as he was done, eager to fulfill her task. Draco still hadn’t moved. He stood silently at the window, looking paler and more skinny than usual. Harry furrowed his brows. “Hey” he said awkwardly.

“Potter” Draco said back, the usual sassy tone, missing from his voice.

Harry coughed uncomfortable. “Sorry I snapped the last time we spoke. I just have a hard time figuring out if you´re there to taunt me or not”.

Draco looked down. “Me too actually”.

Harry sighed. Why did it have to be like this? Sometimes Draco was a cruel bully and other days he was like this. Sweet and almost shy. “Congratulations with the whole prefect thing. I´m surprised” Harry said, taking a step closer to the boy.

Draco looked confused up at him. “About what? That I got the title?”

“No, that I haven’t seen you abuse your new power yet” Harry said with a small smile.

Draco made a sound which almost could have been heard as a chuckle. “You just wait”.

Harry didn’t know if it was a joke or not. “I know that you know where Sirius Black is” Draco suddenly said.

Harry´s breath got caught in his throat. “I don´t know what you´re talking about”.

“The big dog you had with you when you arrived at the station in September” Draco said with a knowing smirk.

Harry looked carefully at the boy. Where did Draco want with this? “Why are you protecting him? He´s dangerous” Draco asked confused.

“So you´re worried about me now?” Harry asked, trying to change the subject.

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