The Tournament

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Two chapters in one day. I can't help it. I have written a lot more chapters, but I'm not gonna post more until tomorrow. So I hope you will enjoy it.

(All rights to J.K Rowling)


Draco POV

The vacation was long and boring. He spend the time flying on his broomstick, reading or just sitting in his room thinking. Everything he did felt like a blur. None of it made any sense. Nothing was important. He ate dinner with his parents every evening and when they had company he made sure to keep up a fitting façade for a Malfoy. He had even gotten multiple proud nods from his father. He felt so happy about that, but at the same time some kind of guilt. None of it was true, but he didn't know was "true" really was, so how could he do it any better?

Finally his fourth year at Hogwarts school had its start. Draco had a hard time carrying his luggage around, because of his bruised arm. The day before he had walked in on his father and some men he worked with, whispering in the dining room. Lucius temper had gone off and left Draco with a bruise in the shape of a walking stick on both arm and shoulder. Therefor he felt a bit of relief when he saw the massive castles dark shadow in the distance. Finally he was back in a place where he was the one in control.

It was a great surprise for everyone when Dumbledore told them about the tournament. It got celebrated in Slytherins common room and anyone who wanted to try to participate held long speeches about how they would get pride to their school.

Draco couldn't help it, but he found himself starring a lot at Potter. He had no idea why, he just did it. When ever they sat in the Great Hall or in class together, he found himself falling out of conversations and just looking at the raven-haired boy. It was frustrating and bad and he wished he knew why he did it so he could find a way to stop it. Zabini, Pansy and the other Slytherins Draco found himself hanging out with also questioned him why they no longer made any fun of the golden trio. Draco always answered with that he found it boring and dull, but really he couldn't find that he had an answer. He always tried avoid the golden trio. It wasn't exactly on purpose. He just found himself turning away every time he saw one of them in the hallway.

It was finally time to hear the names of the chosen ones. Draco sighed in disappointment when it was Cedric from Hogwarts whos name got called up. He had hoped for a Slytherin. But then it happened. Harry Potters name was called too. The whole room fell into silence. Draco quickly looked over at the Griffindor boy. He looked absolutely bewildered. "Of course he had found away to get his name in. He probably missed being in the spotlight" Zabini mumbled irritated besides Draco, who only nodded.

He could feel something in his stomach. Was it pity? Did he really feel sorry for the other boy?

It was the day of the first tournament. Just a couple of hours earlier had the four champions fought their way past their dragons. Of course Harry had succeeded. Draco sighed irritated and looked out at the window in the silent hallway. He couldn't take people right now. He was so tired of them all. Crabbe, Goyle, Pansy, Blaise, all of them made Draco want to break something. It was a warm day with a little wind. The tress outside slowly swayed in the breeze. Draco sighed again and turned to leave. He was just about to turn a corner when someone bumped hard into him. They both fell to the ground and landed in a rather uncompromising position on the hard stone floor, startling them both. Malfoy look up and directly into some emerald green eyes. Harry stared shocked down at him. They both widened their eyes, realizing the position they were in. Draco strongly ignored the warm feeling exploding in his stomach. He moved uncomfortable when his pants started to feel a bit too tight. "Get off me Potter!" he muttered pushing Harry away from him.

He tried to get his breath under control while straighten his robes casually. "What are you doing here?" Harry asked still looking quit shocked.

"That doesn't concern you Potter" Draco spat.

Harry crossed his arms. "Fine" he said.

Draco looked at him for a moment. None of them moved. "Congratulations with your victory earlier. That dragon wasn't really that dangerous. I'm sure they gave you the stupid one".

Harry made a half grin, half eye roll. "For a moment I actually thought you were going to say something nice".

"I don't know the meaning of that word" Draco answered smirking.

Harry glared at him, before something changed in his eyes. He bit his lip and looked up at Draco who could feel his smirk disappear. He cleared his throat and looked away. "Don't you have some kind of celebrate the amazing Potter party to go to?" he asked.

Harry snorted. "I actually just ran from that" he told.

"And now you're using time with me?" Draco asked lifting his eyebrows.

Harry opened his mouth, but then held on for a breath, like he really had to consider his next words. "What happened last year? I mean after we talked that day" he asked.

Draco breath hitched. He had not seen that coming. "Nothing happened" he snerred.

Harry looked really uncomfortable now. "I really thought that you were genuine that time. I really believed that maybe you could change".

Draco felt like sitting down on the floor and cry, but his fathers words rang in his head. He wanted to be Potters friend. He wanted it so badly. "Sucks being a Gryffindor huh? Always having to be good and believe the best about people" the blonde boy said.

Draco could see Harrys face tighten. "Fine Malfoy. If you're really that afraid of being a better person, of being who I really think you are then, fine, have fun doing that".

Harry stormed down the hall and left Draco alone. The skinny slytherin let himself lean back on the cold stonewall and glided down until he sat with his knees pulled up to his chest. Everything felt so meaningless and so stupid right now.


Poor Draco. I just being mean to him. But as I promised, some fluff will soon come into this. Give it a like if you enjoyed it. Thanks so much for reading!

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