The Emblem

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No I'm not dead. Sorry for the wait. I'm back and I have many chapters for you. So here's one. It's not that exiting. I promise some more Drarry action soon.
Hope you all had a good holiday!

(All rights goes to the amazing J.K Rowling)


The next couple of days were hard on both boys. Harry couldn’t stop thinking about the tall, skinny boy even if his life depended on it. He was distracted all the time and even Ron had started to notice. But Harry had set his mind. No matter what he felt towards Draco Malfoy he would ignore it. Malfoy was a bully and if there was one thing Harry wouldn’t be a part of, it was bullying. But Harry had to say that it looked like Draco really was trying. Harry had not seen that coming. He hadn’t heard him say one bad word about anyone. Although sometimes Draco would stop up in front of someone, his awful smirk plastered on his face, open his mouth before quickly closing it and turn away growling. Harry couldn’t quite believe it. 

They didn’t talk for some weeks though. Harry kept on keeping an eye on the blond boy and he could feel that he did the same. It was actually quite a problem for him. He also had to keep up with his homework meanwhile the constant stress of the tournament. There was only one task left though. Harry both dreaded and couldn’t wait for it to come. He wanted to get over with it as fast as possible. But having the slytherin boy constantly in his mind wasn’t helpful at all.

Draco´s POV

Draco was slowly pulling his, now cold and dry toast, in pieces with his fingers. His gaze was fixed on a certain raven haired Gryffindor boy, who was seated next to his two best friends. They were talking and laughing while eating their breakfast. Draco sighed and looked down at his now, crumbly food. Why couldn’t he have what they had. Real friends. People who actually cared about each other. He wanted to sit besides Harry. He wanted to be the one to make him laugh. To make him smile. He slowly bit his lip, carefully looking up at the other boy again. Was it really possibly that he felt the same way? He wasn’t sure. They hadn’t talked since their kiss. He blushed at the thought. “Why are you blushing?”

Draco quickly looked away from the Gryffindor and down at his plate instead. Pansy was eyeing him suspiciously. “It´s just hot in here” he mumbled.

“You have been acting so weird lately” Pansy said and stood up to leave.

Draco glared after her, repeating her words mockingly. Blaise lifted his eyebrows. “Real grown up”.

Draco rolled his eyes, but inside he was hitting himself. He had to forget this. He had to somehow get over it. 

Draco sat in his room in his parents big mansion, legs crossed on his bed

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Draco sat in his room in his parents big mansion, legs crossed on his bed. He was staring out the open window. The sun was slowly setting. He felt heavy and tired. He had nothing to do. Why should he do anything? Papers were laying spread out on the floor. Harry Potters face staring up at him from most of them. “The boy who lived, a liar?” one read. Meanwhile another “Dumbledores trained helper. Has Dumbledore enchanted him or just brainwashed him?” Draco could faintly hear murmurs from his fathers office. After the Dark Lord had returned, men in black hoods kept coming over. His father had been more strict and angry than ever and Draco left cheek still burned after last nights hit. He couldn’t wait for the summer to be over so he could get back in school. He wanted to get away from this place. He wanted to be where he felt like he had a purpose. Where he had his homework to get his mind from everything. There was another reason too, but he didn’t like to admit it. He was worried, but it was not about himself. The last time he had seen Harry, it had been after Cedrics death. Draco knew that Harry stood face to face with “you know who”. The very thought made Draco shiver. He wanted to make sure that the raven haired boy was okay, something he could never admit out loud.

Draco got shaken out of his thoughts when a letter got thrown on his bed. He looked up to see a big golden owl, sit on his window still. He looked down at the thick letter. The Hogwarts crest was on it. He began opening it, not even noticing the owl flying back towards the magical school. The formal letter, welcoming him back to the school was the first thing his eyes fell on. After that was the shopping list, but there still was another letter. With confusion he folded it out and then his eyes got wide when he read the words. He had been chosen to be a prefect. He looked at the shiny emblem. It felt cold against his fingers. When he thought about it, it really wasn’t such a shock that he got the title, but he had forgotten all about it. He took a deep breath and put the emblem away. Another thing to focus on this year. At least that was something.

He decided he would go out and show the letter to his mother. She had been waiting for the shopping list for quite some time. He stepped down to the cold wooden floor, took the letter and opened the door to his room. He almost walked directly into his potion teacher. He gasped and stumbled back. Severus Snape looked down at him from over his long nose. His slick hair framing the white face. “Professor” Draco quickly greeted after seeing his fathers face over the other mans shoulder.

“Draco” Snape said and nodded.

“I will see you soon at Hogwarts” he nodded at the boy before walking down the hallway, the black cape flying behind him.

Lucius looked at his son with a tired face. Draco quickly stood a bit straighter. “What do you have there?” the man asked.

Draco showed the crest. “My letter from Hogwarts”.

Lucius nodded, not seeming very interested. Draco bit his lips and looked down, before quickly adding; “I am the new prefect”.

Lucius lifted his eyebrows and took out his hand. Draco found the little silver emblem and handed it to him. Lucius inspected it carefully before handing it back. He nodded and put a hand on his sons shoulder. “That´s really good” he said, before walking towards his office.

Draco looked after him, a small smile playing on his face. He had done something right. The warm feeling in his chest was something peculiar he wasn’t used to. He would do anything to get that feeling back


Thanks for reading. I will be back soon hopefully.
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