Chapter #2 | End of the World

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Peter Ansay’s Log - September 6th, 2012

1:05 p.m.

There’s still no answer from Lydia! I called her yet again, but it just goes straight to voicemail.

Is she that busy that she can’t bother to return a call? It seems that “the world is in danger” is not enough to grab people’s attention nowadays. Mentions of all-eating black holes are apparently not sufficient as well.

I understand that I must sound like a mad person, better yet, a mad scientist, but there is no time for sugar coating. My research suggests that if CERN continues to experiment in the Hadron Collider by creating micro black holes, the black holes will not collapse in on themselves as they thought but will continue to take on matter until nothing is left, sucking all life from the universe.


17:40 p.m.

It’s funny how I did want to be a mad scientist when I was a kid, preferably an evil mad scientist, you know, goggling eyes and all that.

I remember it like it was yesterday. For my seventh birthday mum gave me a microscope, after almost three months of begging and pleading. I played with it for several straight days, collecting leafs from our back garden and stealing used coffee grounds from the trash for examination. All I wanted was for my father to notice how big a scientist I was. Just like him.

Then finally he surprised me and took me to visit his lab. I was so proud to be the son of a proper scientist. As we walked through the lab’s corridors, everyone stopped to say “Good Morning Dr. Ansay”. You could sense the respect. Some of my father’s colleagues would even slightly bow down to him.

I was so happy that day. I didn’t understand much of what it was that he did and it confused me that he didn’t even get near a microscope for the entire day. When I asked Ms. Baxter, his assistant, why was it that my father was not examining little plates, she answered that my father was not that kind of scientist, he was a physicist.

It sounded so much more important than a mad scientist, so I decided to become a mad physicist.

Then came my teenage years where I didn’t even want to hear about science, physics or anything remotely related, but I guess life made me walk in my father footsteps anyway.

Peter Ansay’s Log - September 8th, 2012


2:10 p.m.

Still nothing from Lydia…

I need to start thinking of alternatives to get my story heard, there’s only so much plane modeling a man can do. It does call me down, but only to a point.

I also need to take a shower.

6:25 p.m

Lydia called me back! Finally some good news! I knew she’d help me, I knew it! I’m going to send her all the details. I just need to finish a few thoughts. Off to work then.

11:50 p.m.

I feel so much better now. My work is in good hands.

While I was talking to Lydia on the phone I suddenly remembered that I had a crush on her back in college. I completely forgot about it. It was only when I heard her voice and realized I was stuttering like a shy teenager that it all came back to me.

I never got around to tell her how I felt, though. I’m sure she knew somehow. 


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