Chapter #8 | The Point of No Return

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Peter Ansay’s Log – October 1st, 2012

8.00 a.m.

This is it. D-Day. The point of no return. The  crossing of the line. There’s no coming back from this, no matter what happens.

Who would have thought I'd be the action guy for once? If everything works out the way I planned I could be the one saving the world. So much for the raving lunatic theory. 

What I do today could change the entire future of the human race. No pressure then, right?

8.40 a.m.

Everything's ready. I am ready.  And somewhat scared. I would be crazy not to be, although I don’t really have much of an alternative. If I fail in my attempt to reverse the Collider energy on itself, the entire world will be destroyed. That'd be the end of the world as we know it. Possibly the end of the human kind as well.

Come on Peter, don't give in to fear now!

9.05 a.m.

I should eat something but I'm too nervous. In 55 minutes I'll brake into CERN on what I could call a suicidal mission. I'm probably done for anyway, so why worry?

But I can't help thinking that it shouldn't have gone this way. I feel responsible for having been part of the team in charge of creating the greatest weapon Humanity has ever had. And we did it perfectly unaware of the dangers it brought about. We miscalculated the effects of such a grandiose project, or maybe we just didn't want to see them…  Even when I had all the evidence I needed before my eyes I was somehow reluctant to acknowledge that such a magnificent source of energy could turn into the most dreadful menace for the Planet Earth. 

 If only they had listened to me, this could all be avoided. Now it's quite possibly too late… but still worth trying.

9.30 am

I’ve written letters explaining it all. To my mother and father, and also to Lydia, in case something happens… May I succeed or fail, the truth of my work must come to light. All my work, two years rich in discoveries, must see the light of the day. 

As a last attempt to be considered, I've started sharing parts of my research online. Hopefully someone will take it over and continue my battle for truth.

And Lydia...Oh Lydia MUST believe me. I've send her a tape containing my theories and my plan. She'll receive it in the next few days. She won’t be able to ignore it once everything's over. She'll have to explain my true intentions to the world, especially in case I’m not able to do it anymore.  She'll have to explain that my point was right, that I’m not a mad scientist.

I desperately need someone on my side and I thought it could be her.

I always thought it could be her.

9.45 am

It's time.

This is the end of my journal. If you've read it through you probably know the Truth. The Collider will be the cause of the world's ruin. Whether I live or die, you need to tell it to everyone.

I hope my research will serve its purpose. I hope my life was worth it. 

They're in your hands now.

Wish me luck,

Peter Ansay


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