Chapter #7 | Despair

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Peter Ansay’s Log - September 26th, 2012


7:10 a.m

I’m exhausted. I didn’t sleep all night. My hands keep shaking; I can’t even drink a cup of coffee without spilling it. That calendar hanging on my wall has been haunting me for the past few days.

D-day is approaching more rapidly than I had expected and the work load is not getting any lighter.

11:50 a.m.

“Mad scientist declares end of days – disowned by Nobel Prize winning father”

Is this the payment I get for trying to save the world? One featured post on a small uninteresting hollow conspiracy blog with little to offer. 

“Peter Ansay, former research scientist and son of renowned Physicist Fredrick Ansay, contacted us some weeks ago with reports of dangerous experiments taking place at CERN. Whilst we at Know-the-Truth love a good conspiracy theory Peter’s declarations of a black hole doomsday appear to be nothing more than a lunatic’s ramblings without a shred of evidence. Officials at CERN have yet to comment except to say they hope he gets the help he needs....”

Putting aside the deceptive and disrespectful title, am I really a lunatic? Am I wasting my time and everyone else’s?

I’m sick of everything. And most of all I’m tired of doubting myself.


2:30 p.m

Someone must have shown the blog post to my mother. She called me on my mobile but I couldn’t answer. Not like this. 

She left a very painful message. Apparently my father hasn’t been too well since I was pushed away from my work…. Then why didn’t he support me back at CERN. Why didn’t he back me up when my reputation was destroyed? 

How can she talk about the effect the work was having on me? What about the consequences of my father’s work on himself, on my mother’s happiness and on our life as a family? 

No one can help me. Not Lydia, not Richard, not Mother and definitely not my father.  I can’t even help myself. 

Am I right or just crazy like everyone thinks? Is there any hope at all? 

I just wish this was all over. 


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