Chapter #6 | Paranoia

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Peter Ansay’s Log - September 21st, 2012

5:55 a.m

Another restless night. I feel my mind fracturing, I can’t keep my concentration and my heart keeps pumping too fast. No one can live like this.

But it won’t be long now…


7:35 a.m.

I need to clean up this mess. Richard is coming for the interview in a couple of hours and I haven’t let the cleaning lady in since day one. I can’t call her now with all the trash bags piling up in an already cramped room. The hotel management is this close from kicking me out.

I never felt the need to clean up since I arrived here so I’m only just starting to realise the dump this room has become. Well, I guess tidying up doesn’t come as a natural priority to me…

The Know the Truth blog doesn’t need any more incentives to disregard me as a mad scientist. We don’t need Richard to see the state I’m living in, do we Pogo?

11:10 a.m.

Richard just left. I gave him my “great men take risks” speech but he wasn’t too impressed. He started asking questions about my father again and, as per usual, I started to stutter. I was never one to talk about myself. Not even among friends let alone with a total stranger, a journalist to top it off.

“Why hasn’t he spoken out for you? Do you think it’s because he’s ashamed of you?”

His words have been pounding on my ears ever since he left. I don’t know what to think of my father’s actions or inactions and quite frankly, I don’t want to think about it.

1:40 p.m.

Why do I hear footsteps? Someone’s at the door but no one knocks. Am I being put under surveillance? What the hell is happening?

Slow down Peter… It couldn’t possibly be that.


1:55 p.m.

If my heart keeps skipping a beat every time I hear a noise at the door I won’t be on this earth long enough to see if I’m wrong or right trying to sabotage Collider. As it turns out it was only the hotel receptionist trying to deliver a package. Just to make sure I made him left the package by the door.

The package was Will’s. He finally finished the circuit board. I have little more than one week to get everything ready for D-Day. Nothing can go wrong.

This could be the very thing that saves us all.


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