Chapter #4 | Know the Truth

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Peter Ansay’s Log - September 15th, 2012


6.05 p.m.

I’m starting to have second thoughts on this Know the Truth interview. I just got off the phone with Richard, the writer, and quite frankly he doesn’t seem so interested in me as in what my father has to say about the whole deal.

In his e-mail, Richard said that this would be my chance to tell my side of the story, my opportunity to warn the world about the dangers of the Collider experiments and to deny all of CERN’s accusations but actually he barely listened to my theories, he just wanted to know about what my father thinks about all this situation! 

How am I supposed to know what he thinks? I haven’t talked to him since that day… Furthermore, I don't need his approval to know that I am right. Cause I AM right.

My father, "the great scientist".

I did attempt to call him yesterday but I couldn’t go through it. It was never easy being the son of the great Frederick Ansay, but it has never been harder. I was never a disappointment to him before, at least I don’t think I was…

On top of everything my father is one of CERN’s board members. I can’t imagine what went through his head when he saw me on that Board of Directors claiming we had to shut down the Collider experiments.

I just can’t bring myself to talk to him. He was always spurring me to stand up for myself, to fight back those who dared bullying me, instead of being a passive object of my schoolmates' evil entertainment. But I was an insecure child and mostly because I always felt that I was not meeting his expectations, that I was less of a son than he deserved.

And all I ever wanted was to be like him.

1:10 a.m.

I can't sleep. Again.

This insomnia is not doing me any good. What am I supposed to do? Sleep while the world is sentenced to death? 

I feel more and more restless, and more and more powerless as well.

There MUST be something I can do. I can't just give up without fighting. But I'm alone… Can a single man change the course of history?

2.40 a.m.

I have an idea! If no one is willing to listen to me, I’ll take matters into my own hands. It's dangerous but it could work. If my calculations are correct, there's still ONE possibility. And I can do nothing but to take the risk.

I need to show them I’m right, they leave me no other choice.

I’m going to break into CERN’s and hack into the Collider. I just hope I can gather everything I need from here.

Can a single man change the course of history? I'll find out soon enough.


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