Chapter #5 | Long Hours

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Peter Ansay’s Log - September 18th, 2012

1.05 a.m.

Finally my long hours are no longer devoted to waiting and bumping my head against the wall. Now I know what I have to do: I'll reverse the Collider energy on itself so as to cause its own destruction and - hopefully - save the world from annihilation. It's not an easy task. I'll have to break into CERN, and I can bet that my presence will not be very welcome there. I must figure out something, some kind of disguise maybe. But I have time for that. The real challenge now is to build the device that will allow me to put my plan into practice. I've made my calculations and, if they are correct, it might work. 

Time is running out and I have to hurry. I can't waste a minute. Not even to sleep.

9.55 a.m. 

This morning I was caught by surprise when my father called. I couldn’t bring myself to answer it. I wouldn’t know what to say and besides that the timing couldn’t be more wrong. I have to focus on my work now. The world's in danger and if I fail I can't even imagine what would happen. Many people would die…maybe all of them.

Sometimes I think that if I fail, these may be my last days on earth. This sandwich would be my last supper. And this may have been my last chance to talk to Father and tell him that... No, I don't have to think about it now. I have to focus.

However, it's quite odd that my father called me, considering that we haven't talked in weeks, and also considering that he must still be quite let down be me and my performance at CERN. I'll never forget that look of his while I was asked to leave the building.

I wonder if something happened. I hope everything is all right. Maybe I should call him back, just to- No, focus, Peter! Focus.

12.10 p.m.

I need to rest. I’ve been working for three straight days on a device that would reverse Collider’s energy on itself and what I'm running out now is my own energy. Unfortunately there's not such device that can bring it back to me. Maybe I should take a nap and go on later. I often work better at night. I couldn't sleep anyway.

I can't even remember the last time that I had a whole night of sleep. It must be ages.

And I can't stop thinking about my father. What should he want to tell me? 

I don't want to call him back. I don't want to let him know where I am and what I'm planning to do. As much as it can hurt, I can't trust him anymore. I can't trust anyone, except for myself.

3:50 p.m

I’ve finally finished the circuit board design but now I need someone to build it for me. I’m definitely not an engineer. Straight to Physics, just like Father.

I need to send this to someone that can help me out without asking too many questions, which is not really easy to find… Will Thompson! We used to go to school together, a long time ago. He's always been quite the discrete person; maybe that's why we always got along. I wouldn't say he's one of my friends - not that I have many as I’ve never really been the life of the party, but he's definitely someone I trust.

Yes, Will is going to understand and hopefully he'll help me out. 

I'll write to him immediately.

5:20 p.m.

I can’t cope with all this anticipation. I need to know it he got the e-mail or if he is looking into it. I hope Will comes through in time, otherwise, I can’t do anything. 

5.30 pm. 

He got my email. Good. I hope he'll give me a hand. I need him to give me a hand.

The world's future is in his hands now. Tomorrow I'll know. Now I should take some rest.

3:00 a.m.

Sleepless night. Again. I wonder how much time will I resist before collapsing on the floor, too weak to even raise my eyes to the computer screen. I need to put myself together. I need to regain some energies, otherwise it’s very unlikely that I complete my plan.

And I can't afford to fail. 


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