And the story comes out

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After my cheeks had finally calmed down from being flaming red Colby slides me a plate with 4 grilled cheeses. My eyes go kind of wide and I say "I can't eat all of that it will make me sick." He just kind of sighs and tells me to eat as much as I can. I take the first sandwich and savor every bite but by the time I'm done I'm stuffed I make a move to get up but am swiftly eased back down. I look up and Colby is staring at me. "Eat." He says and I shake my head "I can't I've gone so long hardly eating anything my stomach won't be able to handle it." At this he gets slightly angry and his eyes start switching colors  I instinctively move back. He notices this and closes his eyes to calm down. When he opens them he kisses my forehead and whispers a sorry in my ear. Then while I'm still kind of dazed he picks me up bridal style and walks to his room. He lays me on the bed and gets in behind me. Before I know it I'm passes out a sleep.
I wake up screaming after having another nightmare of my kidnapper. I close my eyes and try to calm down and when I open them again Colby is an inch away with a concerned look on his face. I got to say I'm fine he beats me to it. "Alex I'm not going to pressure you into telling me about your past but as soon as your comfortable I really want you to tell me. I nod and get up.saying I had to go to the bathroom but the second he relaxes back into the bed I sneak out of the room. I run down the hall way and go down the stairs still running. But half way down the stairs I trip and roll the rest of the way down. When I get to the bottom I go to stand up but wobble a lot. I use the wall as support to clear my head when I see a figure running at me I scream and close my eyes but when I open them I just see Colby. Staring at me with a mix of hurt and worry in his eyes. "Alex are you okay why were you trying to leave so fast for?" I go to speak but end up collapsing into Colby's arms. I feel movement then the next thing I know j wake up on Colby's bed with Colby pacing in front of it. When he hears me move his head snaps to me and I hear a sigh of relief. He comes over and sits on the edge of the bed and says "Alex why did you run?" I just sigh and go with the truth so I said "you will want me to leave after I tell you my story." He growls slightly and says "never." I sign and begin my story "so two years ago my parents died in a car accident. I was put in foster care and I hated it so I left. As I was walking one night a guy pulled me into his can and drove away. Once we got to his cabin in the woods he restrained me in chains then just left. I didn't see him for a couple of days." I paused and put my hoodie up then continued. "When he came back I was weak from lack of water and food. So he comes over to me and calls me a name that isn't mine. He goes between calling me that name and mate all them time. But basically for the next two years I was tortured between punching, kicking, electrocuted, cut, and whipped I wasn't sure how I survived. Then on the night I escaped he had taken me into his room which never happened. Then told me he was going to claim me by fucking me. I lost it I tackled him to the ground and got his gun from him which wasn't easy I shot him and every other guy who had been there then ran. Like I said before I was extremely starved barely given enough food to survive so when I got or I ate on a rabbit for a whole. I had a scaled about a month ago. Then about  two weeks a go I got into fighting managed to get my shitty apartment and some clothes then you strolled into my life." By the time I was done I had tears steaming done my face. Colby was shaking and his eyes were black. Then he lets out a terrifying growl and just walks out. This just makes me cry harder. I knew he wouldn't want me. So I did the most logical thing I could thing of at the time I ran into the woods.

I'm so sorry my muffins I got busy and just forgot to update hope you enjoy ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

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