New town

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Alex POV

I finally found a small town where I can start over. I just have to finish the last half of senior year. It was where I was before I was taken I was extremely bright for 16. I start school tomorrow but first I have to move into my rat hole apartment I got. Now you may be wondering who I am well my name is Alex James and I have to street fight to make a living. I've only been in one fight so far but with what I put up in that place I can take anything.

I stop by the manager desk which has a slightly over weight forty year old who gives me my key. I got to my apartment put the little clothes I have in the closet which mainly consists of sweat shirts and jeans since I can't ever show anyone my skin too many scars. Once that is done I change my jeans into yoga pants hop in my price of shit car and go to the Underground which is the old beat up bar I fought in last time.

It only takes me ten minutes to get there and when I walk in people already know who I am... I'm the hooded fighter. I give the announcer my name and that I want to fight two people tonight. I casually wait my turn at the bar where many people try to strike up a conversation but I just ignore them. Finally I'm called up by the announcer. "THE NEXT FIGHT IS AGAINST THE CLUBS FAVORITE BONE CRUSHER AGAINST THE HOODED FIGHTER!!!!! I go up on the "stage" which isn't much more than some ply wood built into a stage with rope around it and stand I front of a guy 3x my size he looks at me and laughs. The second the bell rings I kick him in his shins and when he gets far enough down I put him in a sleeper hold he is out in seconds. The next guy I take down in a similar way just as easily. Huh my kidnappers were much harder to take down. Anyway I get my $ 400 and go home.

My alarm clock goes off at 7 I get up brush my hair, put clothes on and leave. I get to school by 7:45 and walk in, I head to the office. When I get there there is a cheerful looking lady at the front desk walk up to here and when I'm about to speak she shrieks in a high pitched voice "You must be Alex here is your schedule and if you need any help just ask!" I take my schedule, nod at her and go to my first class which is math. Eh not bad it shouldn't be too hard.
I walk into the he class room and all eyes land on me. I just ignore them and give my note to the teacher and sit down in the back. I don't pay attention to anyone accept this one guy when my eyes meet his electricity goes through my body and I'm speechless, that's a first.

Colby's POV
I wake up in the morning and my wolf is going crazy, he really wants to get to school for some reason. I just shrug it off and go to get breakfast downstairs when I get there my mom has already made a huge buffet of food. When I see this my jaw drops and I hear my mom chuckle. "What's this for?" I stutter out. She gives me an incredulous look "it's your 18th birthday idiot." My eyes widen "Mom is this why my wolf is going crazy, Could I meet my mate today!!!!" Sh. She looks at me with wide eyes then jumps up and down squealing. "Oh my gosh my baby is going to find his mate!!!!!" Normally I would laugh at her but I'm equally as excited. So I sit down shove a whole bunch of food in my mouth and run out the door.
I get to school earlier then usual and go to my class room. I was the first one in there so I sit down and wait... And wait... And wait finally everyone is in and the bell rings I feel incredibly disappointed. But the door suddenly opens and a hooded figure walks in and the second they do I smell the most intoxicatingly scent strawberries and vanilla... Yum. I keep waiting for her to notice me but she doesn't then I notice she is human.. I don't care I will love her no matter what I stare at her all the while she goes to her seat and when she sits down she finally looks at me and all I see is her eyes and they are absolutely beautiful, they are blue with green around the pupil. She is quite tall for a girl at probably 5' 7" but that isn't anything for my 6' 7" height. I want to see more of her but she never takes her hood off... Huh. I'll catch up with her at the end of class and talk to her I'm not losing what's mine.

What did you guys think? I know it probably isn't great but it will get better j promise I already have some great ideas in mind I'm so excited!!!!!! I will probably update everyday so see you tomorrow my little muffins!!!!!!!

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