Eight - I'm Alright

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Maybe it was because she wanted to reminisce. Maybe it was because she wanted to be out of the house when she told her. That wasn't a maybe. She had to be out of the house. Priscila couldn't hear what she had to say about her. She couldn't tell her what she really thought of this union.

Violetta led Angie to the park bench. The same one they had talked on a few seasons ago. Back when she hadn't yet gone to France. That seemed like a lifetime ago. Angie was back in Argentina now. She was enjoying it. Everyone at the Studio had welcomed her back with open arms. It was never the same without her.

She knew she had to tell her. She couldn't not tell one of the most important people in her life not know about a massive event that was about to happen. Especially when she really needed to be there. Her dad would never tell her. He wouldn't have the courage to. Violetta knew him well enough to know that. It made her sad sometimes. He loved Angie yet he didn't have the courage to tell her he'd moved on. Or perhaps he hadn't. Perhaps Priscila was some kind of rebound. Violetta shuddered. That's a horrible way to think of someone. Even if you secretly don't want them to be with your father.

Angie was bracing herself for anything. The variety of things Violetta had told her and all of the news she had received (good and bad) had snowballed in the short while she had been back in her home country. She hoped it was good, of course, but she wanted to know now. As well as being on a lunch break in the Studio which meant she didn't have much time, after the news had been told, she wanted to talk about it. Because talking about it was always the best thing to do. She could see the fear in Violetta's eyes. She was holding back. She didn't know or understand why yet. What was this about? The Studio? No, she hadn't fallen out with Francesca or Camila lately. The house? Her and Ludmila had seemed to be getting on. Miraculously.

Was it her mother? Grief hits you in strange ways. Perhaps seeing her father move into relationships quickly scared her. Maybe it made her think that he was trying to replace Maria. Angie sat up straighter as she realised she had been slouching. No one could do that. Her mother would always be her mother. Not even Angie could replace her.

Angie had never been able to stop thinking about German. Luckily, she could convince everyone else that she was okay. She'd been able to tell them that she had moved on. So it wasn't a surprise when Violetta told her that her father was getting engaged to Priscila.

Even though she told Violetta that she was alright, Violetta had managed to figure out otherwise. Somehow Violetta always knew that her feelings went deeper than actually claimed.

The truth was that that news made Angie want to cry. In the end, she did cry. Not in front of Violetta, obviously, but she did.

German had broken her heart. All over again.

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