Chapter 2

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Farhan's POV

"Ayesha?" I tried to repeat my dad's words.

"Yes, we were thinking of getting you married to her, she's a good girl mashallah!"

"Umm.. I'll think about it," I replied.

"Okay, and you should start praying beta, it's one of the pillars of islam," dad said.

"ya.. erm, I'll see," I replied trying to get off topic.

Later, I walked to my bedroom and jumped onto my bed. I'm going to have to share this room with someone. I never liked it when anyone came into my room, I mean it's my  room, my personal space. But I guess sooner or later I'm going to have to share this room with someone, and possibly Ayesha.

Ayesha, her punch was pretty hard, I sure wouldn't want to mess with her. I remember when we were younger she used to have sleep overs at my house and we would play WWE. I remember climbing my bed and jumping onto her and my little sister. I chuckled at these memories.

But I don't really have any feelings for her. Without these feelings how can she be my wife? I've had these feelings once and that was for Emily, until she went her own way. After that I never dated, I was busy studying to become a lawyer.  

My phone started to ring and I read the name 'Haroon.' I picked it up.

"Yo what's up?" I said.

"Nothing man, come to the gym I'm already here."

"K I'll come in about 15 minutes, peace," and then I hung up. It's been a while since I've been to the gym because I was busy wrapping up a divorce case.


"You're going to get married?!" Haroon asked in shock, while he held dumbbells in each hand.

"I mean sooner or later I have to, I'm 25 for goodness sake."

"Oh, who is the girl?"

"Remember Ayesha? That girl in High School."

"The one who wears a hijab?"

"Yeah, her."

Haroon scuffed. "I thought you were going to marry some sexy girl, but she's not even  close to sexy!" Haroon said, with an unpleasant face. Why does he care, I'm the one getting married.

"Oh my god why do you always care about how girls look, you're so perverted dude," I complained. That sure did shut him up.

We continued with our workout. By the time we were done, I was sweating profusely. Haroon suggested that we should call our other friends and we could hangout, and that's what we did.

I slowly opened my door, hoping that my mom wouldn't wake up and question me. It was only 1:00 am, okay that's pretty late but I was having fun.

"Where were you?" Mom said. I was startled by her sudden voice and saw her sitting on the couch.

"I was at the gym, where else would I be?" It was true, I did go to the gym.

"Okay," mom said as she came closer to me. "Why do you smell like smoke? I told you, stop smoking it's bad for you anyways!"

"For the millionth time, I do NOT smoke!" I was being truthful, I really didn't.

"Why do you smell like smoke then?"

I sighed. "I told you this, my friends smoke, I don't!" Mom rolled her eyes, still not believing me. I didn't care.

"Okay whatever, did your dad talk to you about Ayesha?" Mom is quick when it comes to changing topics.

"Yeah he did."

"So, what do you think?"

"Umm... I decided that I should get married... to her." I made my decision, I was going to accept Ayesha. She is a really smart woman, she's a nurse. I  had no feeling for her, but then again, she probably had no feelings for me either. Maybe that's how life works.

Mom let out a gasp, "Mubarak everyone! My son is going to get married!" She wanted to wake everyone up so she could tell them. I'm sure no one was sleeping.

Sooner or later everyone came out. Told you they weren't sleeping.

"What happened?" Dad asked.

"Oh Khalid, your son agreed to get married!"

"You made a good decision, it's about time you get married." Dad said.

Hina scuffed. "Wow, you agreed that fast?"

Taseer interrupted. "I bet mom and dad forced him, I sure wouldn't wanna be forced."

"Oh shut the fu-"

"Okay stop fighting all of you! I'm going to call Shazia to tell her you agreed."

I told everyone that I was going to bed, and walked off.


I was walking through a dark forest and I could hear leaves crunching as I walked. I looked around and there was no one. All I could see were leaves descending, as they gracefully swept down onto the dark leaf strewn floor, they almost fell in slow motion. The cold wind blew with great force almost telling me to look behind. I turned around, nothing. All I could see was my shadow. I realized that shadow wasn't mine, it was far away from me, but it proceeding coming closer and closer. I started to run but I couldn't, as if I was stuck in quick sand. The shadow got closer and closer by every second, I tried to scream but only let out a murmur. The shadow was right in front of me and it whispered 'death.' Suddenly I started absorbing this shadow, and I realized that shadow was mine and death hid behind it.

I jumped from my bed and was inhaling and exhaling rapidly. I started to realize that it was a dream. Not a dream, a nightmare. I've been having these nightmares for some time now. I guess it was because of my lack of sleep. But that nightmare was scarier than ever. I looked over to my nightstand and grabbed my water bottle and chugged the water down trying to calm myself down.

I tried falling asleep again but I couldn't. I kept thinking about that nightmare. What did it mean?


Farhan's family:

Farhan - 25

Hina - younger sister, 24

Taseer - younger brother, 20

Sadia- Older sister, 30

Afreen - Mom

Khalid - Dad

Ayesha's family:

Ayesha - 24

Samid - younger brother, 17

Sulaiman - younger brother, 19

Hussan - younger brother, 22

Zeeshan - older brother, 29

Sarah - Zeeshan's wife, 27

Shazia - Mom

Omair - Dad

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