Chapter 5

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Sorry for not updating in 2 days, I was really busy. (- _-) Hope you like this chapter! Love you all! <3

Ayesha's POV

We were done all the preparations and I was in my room getting ready. I wore a blue dress that had white beads on the chest, and the rest of the outfit flowed down my legs to my feet. I wore a white hijab, and did some simple makeup. I didn't apply any foundation because there was no need, and I find foundation really irritating.

The engagement party was at my house as we didn't want to have a huge ceremony , and we invited our close cousins and some family friends. The men had to go to Farhan's house, while the women came to my house.

I walked down the stairs and everyone came running after me.

"Wow wow chill out everyone," I said. I was getting bombarded with compliments. I think I said thank you and Jazakallah 300 times.

"Okay okay everyone give her some space," Baji Sarah said. Everyone went back and took their seats except for the little ones, they looked so adorable, I couldn't help but pick them up.

"Wow my Maria is looking so pretty, did your mommy do your hair?" She didn't reply and started laughing.

I was told to sit on the couch and everyone was staring at me. I disliked all the attention.

One by one ladies would come and sit beside me, take pictures and walk back to their seats.

My brothers came into the house to meet me and all the girls quickly wrapped their hijab's.

"Ew you look ugly," Samid was back with his insults.

"Prettier than you at least," he smiled and gave me a small hug, followed by Sulaiman, and Hussan. Zeeshan came up to me a stroked my head, which is considered a sign of adoration, affection, and love.

Once they were gone, my future mother in law, Auntie Afreen, came and sat beside me. "Assalam o alaikum! My daughter in law is looking beautiful! Mashallah!"

"Wa alaikum assalam, and jazakallah."

"Here," and she opened a dark purple box which contained a ring. In Pakistani culture typically the boys mother would choose the ring for the girl and put the ring on her and on the other side, the girls father would put the ring on the groom-to-be due to religious reasons of no physical touching before marriage. Although I don't see any value of a wedding ring.

She slide the ring onto my ring finger, and I could see the diamonds sparkling.

Mom came and sat down and I could clearly see her watery eyes.

"Mom," I whined. "Don't cry," I started to talk about Hussan's wedding so that she wouldn't cry. "Don't you think we should get Hussan married soon?" Mom chuckled.

"let's finish up with your wedding and then we'll look for a girl for Hussan."

"He says he won't get married in 10 years." I said.

Mom scuffed. "No no, I want him to get married before I die, actually I want all my kids to get married before I die-"

"Mamma don't say that, let's go eat everyone else is eating."

The little engagement party was over and everyone was heading home. I went to my room to lay down on my bed. I sure was tired.

I heard a knock on my door and told them to come in, it was Zeeshan.

"Hi Bahi," I awkwardly said.

"Hey, I wanted to talk to you," he wanted to talk to me?

"Yeah what's up?" He took a seat next to me, he had the same look as dad whenever he talked about something serious.

"I wanted to say, I'm sorry for not really... for not being a proper older brother," he sighed. "I hope you have a happy married life, Inshallah."

"Ameen." He gave me a little poke on my forehead and left.

I wasn't really close to my older brother, but that felt nice.


We were going shopping today, not exactly shopping, just looking at clothes for my wedding.

"Ayesha! Hurry up and get ready!" Baji Sarah shouted.

"Okay! Give me 5 minutes!" It didn't take me long to get ready, all I had to do was slide on an abaya, and wrap my hijab. I ran downstairs to grab my keys and head out, only me and Baji were going, mom was too tired.

"Wait! Can I come?" Samid asked. He always has to stick his nose in everything.

"No go away." I shooed him, but he insisted us on taking him.

"Please! Pretty please!"

"I bet you just want me to buy you some games," he had a guilty look on his face.

"N.. no, why I can't spend time with my older sister?"

I sighed, "fine come."


"I'm hungry, can we buy french fries?" Samid asked.

"Yeah go buy them."

"Okay," he stuck his hand out as if he was expecting me to give him something.


"Umm... I have summer school, I don't work, so hand over the money." Samid said.

I rolled my eyes, "Don't you have pocket money?"

He pouted, "I didn't bring it, please just give me money."

"Just give it to him, we need to get going," Baji Sarah said. I took out 10 dollars and gave it to him.

Me and Baji waited in the cafeteria for Samid to return. Samid came with two packs of fries and drinks.

We all ate and decided to go to an Indian shop.

"Wow! Look at this one Baji!" I said holding a red lehenga with gold beads almost everywhere.

"Check the price," I checked the price and gasped and quickly put it back. It was 500 dollars.

"Why'd you put it back?"

"500 dollars!"

"It's your wedding, wedding dresses are expensive," Baji said.

"That's crazy, let's look at some other dresses."

We spent almost half an hour looking around for dresses. I didn't find any I liked, the ones I did like were too expensive.

I ended up buying nothing for myself, but I spent almost 100 dollars on buying gifts for random people. I loved buying gifts for people. Every time when little kids come to my house I always give them gifts like makeup kits and jewelry. I loved giving them smiles that I lost when I was their age.

If you guys want to read more about the brothers, let me know which brother's interactions you want to see with Ayesha. <3

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