Chapter 14

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Salam!! I've haven't been on for a while but I'm all good alhamdulillah! Here's a fresh new chapter for ya'll! Xoxo <3

Ayesha's POV

I knocked on Zeeshan Bahi's door, and the second I did, him and Baji Sarah stopped yelling.

"Who is it?!" Zeeshan Bahi yelled.

"Umm.. It's me," I slowly opened the door.

"You're not going back to that house." Bahi declared.

"Bahi that's my house too, I have to go there," I tried to calm him down, but it didn't really work.

"I don't care. I sent Sulaiman to go talk to Farhan about what the hell he did." Oh no. Sulaiman was the second overprotective brother. And I knew that the 'talk' was going to be something much worst.

"Bahi seriously! Did you really think that was the most mature thing to do?" Bahi's eyes were wide open. "Bahi this is my life, you're literally trying to destroy it! You and your wife are just huge drama queens!" I let out whatever that was coming up in my head. I sure did regret that.

"Have some shame. You're talking to your older brother!" Bahi yelled.

I sighed. "Bahi for the sake of me, please don't create such a huge scene, I can solve this myself." Bahi didn't say anything after that and so I assumed he had agreed. I quietly walked out of his room.

I called Sulaiman but he said he had already talked to Farhan. Thankfully he had told me he didn't create a huge scene. Grabbing my bags and telling everyone goodbye, I drove to my house.

I walked into my house and the atmosphere seemed gloomy, it was nothing surprising though.

"Finally, it's about time," I heard Hina mumble as she took a seat on the sofa. I pretended as if I never heard her.

"Assalam o alaikum." I simply said. I walked upstairs to my room. With great courage I took a deep breath and opened the door.

"Oh look who's back." Farhan said with attitude.

"Is that a way to greet your wife?" I said.

"Oh please. Wife? No." I was sure Sulaiman had said something to him.

"What's gotten into you? Did Sulaiman say something?"

"Yup I was right! I knew girls are drama queens. You just had to make the biggest lie ever and tell your brother, right?" He started to act feminine. "Brother, I saw Farhan with his girlfriend." Farhan mocked.

"I didn't say anything like that!"

"Don't lie straight to my face. I knew I felt like there was someone watching me at that restaurant, I can't believe my own-" He made quotation marks with his fingers, "wife was watching me."

"Oh my god. I wasn't even at that restaurant!"

"I'm telling you, I hate liers!"

"I'm not lying!" I took a deep breath, "And who was that girl?" I asked straight out of curiosity. 

Farhan scoffed. "Ha! You too?! Well I'm not a lier so let me tell you this. That girl was just an old friend who actually wanted to listen to my problems."

"Are you saying I don't listen to your problems? When did you ever tell me about your problems, huh?" I barked back.

"How the hell am I supposed to talk to you when you're barely home?!" I stayed quiet for a second. "I do everything for you. I even started praying for you, but you, you don't even do anything for me!"

"Fine! Tell me, what do you want me to do? Do you want me to make food for you? Do you want water?" I said with attitude.

Farhan took a deep breath. "All I want is for you to express your love to me." He paused. "I'm sure Islam doesn't forbid expressing your love to your spouse." Islam didn't forbid that. In fact, Islam encourages you to show your love towards your spouses.

I just stood there, not knowing what to say. "J..Just stop."

"Stop what? You can't say anything now that you've heard the truth huh?" He took a deep breath. "I wish I didn't accept you." I was shocked from what he said.

"What? Did you not want to marry me? I knew I had a bad feeling about this marriage! You don't even see the hardships I go through! I come home from work late, and your mom then makes me do all the housework! And you, you just sit there on your phone not caring about anything. God knows what you do on your phone!" I let out everything I felt. He was about to talk but I cut him off. "You don't know my past, you don't know what the hell I've been through so don't assume things!" I could tell the anger that was raging inside of him. He reached for his flower vase on the night table and threw it, hard onto the ground. I wasn't going to get scared from that.

"You think breaking things is going to do anything?" I said. I picked up the glass pieces, not caring if they were going into my skin, to show him I wasn't afraid. As I came closer to the night table, picking up the glass pieces, Farhan kicked the table making the lamp and the table fall onto my foot. I ignored the stabbing and unpleasant pain on my foot. I stood up, and my blood was boiling. Did this man have anger issues? What was his problem? My mind went blank for a couple of seconds and when I came back to reality, I realized I had slapped Farhan. He had his hand on his face, and he really did look scary.

Farhan stood up, standing right in front of me. He started to take steps towards me. "Okay. Enough of your talking, now listen to me." He kept taking steps forward and I took steps back. "How come every time I do this," he moved his face right in front of mine and then moved his head back, "you start to find ways to leave." He paused. "Do you not want to kiss me? Am I scary? Do you think I have some sort of disease that'll pass onto you? Huh, tell me. Speak up, you were just giving me a huge lecture, now you can't answer a simple question?" He seemed to have captured my mind. I let out what I was holding in for years.

"I.. I'm traumatized." I let out a tear. "I was sexu.. sexually abused..By a perverted man. Imagine, a little girl, sexually abused, not knowing what was happening to her." This was the first time I had told someone about this incident. It was something I cried day and night about.

I realized I was sitting on the ground, clutching onto a sharp piece of glass as my blood dripped onto the floor. I started crying into my knees, I didn't want Farhan to see me crying. Although I could tell Farhan was in shock too.

A few minutes later Farhan spoke. "Here," he sat down and grabbed my bleeding hand but I pulled away.

"Just leave me alone. please." I begged. He didn't listen.

Farhan grabbed my hand, "ugh, you're so stupid, let me grab the bandage roll." He pulled me up while holding my hand but I slipped out of his hand.

"Please, just leave me alone, mind your own business!" I needed some alone time, I never cried this much in front of anyone.

Suddenly, I felt my body warm up, I was feeling somewhat protected. I realized I was in Farhan's arms, he was squeezing my bleeding hand, attempting to make the blood stop. I then rested my head against his chest. I could hear his heart beat beating faster and so did mine, almost as if our hearts were going to pop out and run off.

We stayed like this for a while until I broke the silence by saying, "you know, my blanket can keep me warm too." I slightly cringed at what I said. I looked up at him and he looked at me, our eyes locked.

"Well... your blanket can't do this," and right then I felt his warm lips touch mine. I inhaled with shock and then exhaled to feel the moment. I had never felt like this before, and I sure didn't want it to end.


Hope you liked it! <3

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