Chapter 12

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Salam!!! Helloooo!! UGHHH I'm sooo sorry for not updating, I know I say that a lot, it's just that school and homework is taking over my lifeeeee!! Now I feel how all those other authors have felt. 😭  I'll try my best to update daily, short chapter coming up but I'll try to make longer ones in the future inshallah! Thank you all for the support!!! Love youuuu!! ❤️❤️

Ayesha's POV

3 Weeks Later

"Salam! I'm home!" I said as I walked into my house from work.

"What took you so long?" Auntie Afreen asked.

"Oh I was at work," I simply replied.

"Oh don't act smart. I'm asking why did you come so late from work?" Auntie Afreen had been acting like this for a couple of weeks now, maybe that's just how she is at home.

"I was working extra hours."

"Don't take extra hours anymore, Farhan is making enough money so it's okay." but I loved working at the hospital.

"Umm I don't think I can do that, you see I'm asked to work extra hours and I really can't say no." Auntie Afreen rolled her eyes.

I walked upstairs to my room and saw Farhan, he always got home before me. As usual he was on his phone.

"Salam, ugh I'm exhausted," I let out a deep breath. Farhan shook his head.

"Did you pray?" I asked. I was really pushing him to pray. I had told him, don't pray because I was telling him to, but pray for Allah.

"Yup." I gave him a smile.

"I'm gonna go change and help out in the kitchen." I said.

"Wait," Farhan took a deep breath. "Why can't you spend any time with me? You're always running around the house, and then you come from work pretty late. I mean I'm your husband."

"Cmon Farhan, you say this all the time." I was getting a little annoyed by the same thing he always said. I Ignored him and went to change.

After I changed I went downstairs to help in the kitchen. I remember a couple weeks ago when I told Auntie Afreen the truth that I couldn't cook, we got into a little argument and that lead to her not talking to me for a straight 3 days. She had said 'didn't your mom teach you anything,' when she wouldn't teach Hina anything.

I walked in the kitchen and saw Auntie stirring something in a pot. "Do you want me to stir it for you?"

"Psf as if you can do anything," I heard her mumble. I pretended as if I didn't hear her. I went straight to washing the dishes.

After washing the dishes, I cleaned the tables. Auntie Afreen told me to clean the washrooms and so I did. This had become a daily routine for me. Cleaning 5 washrooms was a really hard job.

After cleaning the washrooms I decided to visit Hina since I never saw her for the entire day.

"Hey! What's up?" I said as I entered the room. I saw her writing in her notebook.

"Can't you knock first?" She said.

"Oh sorry."

"What're you doing?" I asked.

"Ugh nothing just doing some math." Hina was doing business in college.

"Do you need help?"

"Erm actually ya," she pointed at a question and I helped her with it.

"Oh I get it now, ermm... Thanks."

"No problem." I replied.

It was 1:30 am and I still had to fill in some papers that I got from work. I entered my room and saw Farhan on the laptop.

"What're you doing?" I asked.

"Nothing really, just researching the background of someone who's involved in a case I'm taking." He replied.

"Ooo, so you're stalking someone?"

"I guess." We both chuckled. I took my bag and started to work.

After half an hour I was finally done. I stood up and so did Farhan.

"Do you need something?" I asked. Farhan didn't say anything and he came closer and closer. He held my hands and examined my face.

I giggled, "what?" He moved his head closer and sooner or later our eyes were locked. I could almost hear him breathing. I was standing there, solid frozen. I came back to reality and took a step away. I picked up my bag and put it in the closet. Farhan watched every move.

I fake yawned. "I'm so tired, let's go to sleep," I suggested. Farhan simply nodded and went to bed. I changed my clothes and did the same. I guess this is how life would have to be.

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