Chapter 11

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Salam! It's been a while! It's just that I got caught up in Eid, and then school preparations (High school... I know terrifying.) Let me know if you're attending school! Inshallah I'll update tomorrow as well to fill up all those days that I've haven't updated. Much love!! <3

Ayesha's POV

"Wow Amria, you're looking so pretty!" I said. Amira was Farhan's niece, Baji Sadia's daughter. Amira spun around making her white dress poof. They had come over to get ready here.

After breakfast I had gotten ready. Auntie Afreen had handed me a purple dress that flowed down to my feet, and a pair of high heels, (my worst nightmare). I wore some light makeup and pulled over a white hijab, since men and women were going to be at my Walima.

I sat on the couch playing with Amira, waiting for everyone else to get ready. Shouldn't the bride be the one taking the longest time getting ready? Nope, not in this house. I was getting impatient, so I decided to check on what the girls were doing. I made my way upstairs to Hina's room. I found Baji Sadia there as well.

"Assalam o alaikum! What're you guys up to?" I asked.

"Oh, we're just getting ready, duh," Hina said with attitude. She was creating a wing with her eyeliner.

"Ayesha, aren't you going to do your hair?" Baji Sadia asked.

"No, 'cause there's going to be men there too." I replied.

Baji Sadia rolled her eyes. I wondered where they were getting all this attitude from? Good thing Baji Sadia didn't live here. I decided to go to my room just to make some finishing touches on myself. When I entered the room, Farhan was doing his hair.

I fixed my tikka (headpiece) and hijab and was about to leave when Farhan called me.

"Yeah?" I said.

"This may sound cheesy, but.. You look really... umm.." He tried to find the right word, "pretty." I wasn't used to getting compliments, especially from men, so I felt slightly shy.

"Oh, umm.. Thanks." I said without making eye contact. "You should hurry up, we're getting late," I reminded him. He nodded his head and I walked out. I let out a deep breath.

I slowly walked downstairs, hoping not to trip over my long dress. After a couple of minutes Farhan arrived. He was wearing a black suit with a purple tie. His hair was nicely parted to the side.

"Hey, how do I look?" Farhan asked. I simply nodded my head. "What does that mean? Does that mean I look bad?"

"No no, you look great." I replied. This situation was starting to feel like a cliche romantic movie to me, but with the roles switched.

After a little while everyone else came down and we headed to the hall for our Walima.

We walked into the entrance but Farhan's parents, Farhan and I weren't supposed to enter the actual hall yet.

"We four will walk in together," Auntie Afreen said. "And Ayesha and Farhan, you two have to link arms when you walk in." I started to feel a little intimidated. I mean I would be walking in there with a man in front of my parents and everyone else. I was taught to never touch a man but now I had to. But after all he was my husband.

Farhan placed his hand in front of him with his elbow pointing towards me, without any hesitation. I slowly wrapped my arms around his.

Baji Sadia came to tell us to walk in. We stepped in front of the doors and I could see a white carpet that led to the stage. There were tables the left and right, people were getting up to capture the best pictures. Auntie Afreen and Uncle Khalid followed us.

Farhan and I walked in slowly and you could hear all kinds of conversations. Anxiety grew inside me because of all the attention. Farhan looked down at me. "Are you nervous?"

I was hesitant to answer but I did. "M.. Me? No I'm not nervous," I declared. Farhan chuckled.

When we reached the stage, we both stepped up and took a seat on a fancy dark blue chaise lounge. A cameraman came in front of the stage to take pictures. "Can you two move closer please?" The cameraman asked. Farhan scooched over. He took a couple of pictures and then sat back down. 

Auntie Afreen and Uncle Khalid were the first ones to take a seat beside us. They took pictures and then went back to a table.  

I noticed Mom and Dad coming towards me. Seeing them really warmed my heart.  Dad sat beside me and Mom sat beside Farhan. "Mashallah, my daughter is looking so beautiful, may Allah grant you both Jannah." Dad said. 

I was getting a little teary but I held back my tears. "Ameen," I managed to say.  Dad gave me a kiss on the forehead. They sat back down and next was Baji Sadia and Hina. I looked at the clock that was placed on the wall and noticed it was time to pray. I nudged Farhan. 

"What?" I looked at the clock and looked back at Farhan.  "What?" I sighed. 

"Look at the time, it's time to pray," I said. Farhan didn't look so happy. "Come with me, we need to pray." 

"Fine." Farhan got up and grabbed my hand. He went to his Mom and told her that we had to pray. She told us we could go to a little room that was outside the hall. 

Farhan didn't have wudu, so he went to do it. By the time he was done, I was done praying. 

Once he was done praying, I took the chance to ask him a question that was bugging me for a bit. "Umm Farhan? Why do you always look so unhappy when I mention prayer?" He bit his lip. 

"Because... Um... I don't really pray." That explained it. 

"Why? Why don't you pray?" I asked. 

"I don't know, it's just no point." 

"No no, you've got a whole different concept of your own about prayer." I didn't want to go on a rant so I said, "It strengthens our Faith and comforts us. In the remembrance of Allah our hearts find solace." He gave me an understanding smile. Farhan was starting to feel less like a stranger to me, and more like a husband. 

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