Chapter 4

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Ayesha's POV

"Yes, of course I'll be able to work for a couple more hours." I was told that I had to work extra hours because of a specific patient.

I had asked for 3 days off for next week because of my engagement was then. Baji helped me practice walking in heels since they bought me shoes with an inch of a heel. It didn't take me long to learn.

We've been having many guests over, which were mostly my cousins to congratulate me. I don't understand why they had to come to my house, I mean they could congratulate me on my wedding, but I guess that's not how it worked in my family.

It was already 10:00 pm and I hoped we had no guests over today.

I reached home in a couple of hours and I slowly opened the door. I could hear different voices and I realized I had guests over, but not any guests, my future in laws were here. I decided that I should go and meet them as it would be rude if I run to my room to change.

While I was still in my nursing uniform and a messily wrapped hijab, I went ahead and said Salam.

"Why'd you come home so late?" Mom asked. I probably looked like an irresponsible person because of the look Auntie Afreen was giving me.

"Oh, I had to work extra hours because of a certain patient," I explained. That instantly wiped that look off her face. Did she not trust me?

"Oh okay."

Hina, Baji Sarah, and Baji Sadia were sitting together. I decided to join their conversation. "Assalam o alaikum! What are you guys talking about?"

"Nothing, just your engagement preparations," Baji Sadia said.

"Oh," I don't know why but I felt embarrassed.

"I'm going to go to change, you guys continue talking, I'll be right back."

Farhan's POV

We had arrived at Ayesha's house to discuss about the wedding engagement. We men were seated upstairs, while the woman sat downstairs. All of Ayesha's brothers were there and they had intense look on their faces. I wondered what was going on in their mind.

Us boys, (Ayesha's brothers & Taseer) sat further away from Dad and Uncle Omair, they were having their own conversation.

"So, how's your job going, Farhan?" Zeeshan asked.

"Oh it's going good."

"That's good."

"What about you, how's your shop going?" I asked.

"It's going smoothly, alhamdulillah."


Hussan interfered, "You better not hurt my sister or else..." Psf, talk about overprotective brothers. I saw Sulaiman nudge Hussan and whisper something in his ear.

"Nevermind that, he sometimes blabbers random words. so what do you like to do?" Sulaiman said trying to change the topic.

"Umm...I like reading.."

"Well duh, you're a lawyer," Hussan said. Why was he acting so dull, I didn't do anything to him. 

Taseer and Samid just sat there looking bored. We on the other hand continued with this 'Q&A session' until dad started to talk about about the date of the wedding.

"So October 10 sounds good?" Uncle Omair asked Dad. That was 2 months from now.

"Yeah that's great!" Dad replied. Great, now my days of freedom were getting shorter and shorter. 

Sorry for the short chapter, but my brain just wasn't working today, I couldn't come up with any ideas, so I made this chapter for you to get to know the characters a bit more. Love you all!

Here are the characters if you forgot. <3

Farhan's family:

Farhan - 25

Hina - younger sister, 24

Taseer - younger brother, 20

Sadia- Older sister, 30

Afreen - Mom

Khalid - Dad

Ayesha's family:

Ayesha - 24

Samid - younger brother, 17

Sulaiman - younger brother, 19

Hussan - younger brother, 22

Zeeshan - older brother, 29

Sarah - Zeeshan's wife, 27

Shazia - Mom

Omair - Dad 

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