Chapter 16

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Salaam!! New chapter for ya'll, enjoy!! Xoxo

Ayesha's POV

"You're not taking me?" Hina said to Farhan in the most poutiest way.

"No Hina, it's only a trip for Ayesha and I,"  Farhan replied. Hina frowned.

"It's okay, I'll take you somewhere some other day," Farhan reassured.

After that little dramatic scene, I walked up to my room to start packing. We were going to Dubai tomorrow and I still hadn't packed! I tend to procrastinate a lot.

I picked up an empty suitcase that was in the closet and placed it onto my bed. I went through my closet and picked out a bunch of my favourite hijabs. I then grabbed some dresses and abayas.

"What are you doing?" I looked to see and it was Farhan.

"I'm making roti (flat bread)," Farhan chuckled.

"Psf, as if, you can barely even make your own popcorn!" He joked.

"Oh please."

"Okay, no seriously, what are you doing?"

"I'm packing," I said as I threw one of my t-shirts at him.

He threw it back, "yeah, but why are you packing so much as if you're going to Mars?"

"I need to pack a lot, we're going across the ocean and we need to be prepared," I stated.

"But we're only going for 2 weeks! And anyways, we're gonna have loads of luggage to carry if you pack this much," Farhan said.

"Come on, like I said, we need to be prepared, and this isn't even that much," I said pointing at my suitcase that was now overflowing. The irony.

"Ugh, fine whatever, but you're carrying all that."

"Aww did Mr. Lawyer just loose against a Nurse?" I joked. Farhan rolled his eyes.

He then walked to the closet and took out something. "Aren't you going to pack this?" He smirked holding a piece of my undergarment.

I gasped, "Farhan!" I snatched it out of his hands and put it into my suitcase, he started laughing. "You're so annoying."

"Ha, says you."


I looked up and could see the raindrops floating in gentle waves, the atmosphere seemed so peaceful. I could smell the earthy scent produced as the rain came in contact with the dry soil. Suddenly, the rain started to move faster and faster, gravity seemed to be pulling the rain with great strength.

I woke up, panting. "What the hell just happened?!" I yelled.

"Wake up sleeping beauty," I noticed Farhan holding a glass of water and was splashing water on me.

"Oh, it was just a dream," Farhan kept splashing water onto me. "Okay, you can stop that now, I'm pretty sure I'm awake." I said sarcastically.

"You need to pray fajr, I already did, we need to be at the airport in an hour." Farhan informed.

"In one hour!?" I yelled, "why didn't you wake me up before!?"

Farhan shrugged like it was no big deal, "I don't know, I guess I forget."

I sighed and got up and ran to the bathroom. I decided to wear my black abaya with a long dark cream cardigan, paired with a black hijab. I then got out my prayer mat and prayed.

When I was done I noticed Farhan had taken all the bags outside to the car. And he said I was going to carry all that. I grabbed my bag and ran downstairs. I noticed Auntie Afreen was standing near the door.

"Assalam o alaikum Auntie!" I said with joy.

Auntie rolled her eyes, "Walaikum assalam."

Farhan came inside and gave Auntie Afreen a hug, "Make sure to bring something for me." Auntie said.

"Of course Auntie! Anything for you!" I assumed she said that to Farhan but I wanted to jump in.  I then walked up to her and gave her a small hug as well. We said our goodbyes and walked to our car.

When we reached the Airport, we unloaded our luggage and went inside.

"Ayesha you look tired, do you want a coffee?" Farhan asked.

I rubbed my eyes to stay awake, "Sure, thanks." He told me to sit on a bench while he went to get the coffee.

I was looking down at my shoes when I heard a loud thud. I looked up to see a man who had knocked over our luggage.

"Umm... Hey, you just knocked over my luggage." That man just shrugged and kept walking. I walked up and stood in front of him.

"Move out of my way, you're just gonna blow us all up."

"Excuse me, first you knock over my luggage, then you start to discriminate me." I pointed at my luggage, "Pick - It - Up."

"Ha make me!" He then pushed me out of the way, and it was hard. I was starting to get angry.

I walked towards him and pushed him as well, I could see the anger in his eyes. He walked towards me and gave me a slap, "This is what you suicide bombers deserve."

At this rate I could feel my blood boiling. I clenched my fist and was about to punch him when someone came in the middle. It was Farhan. He pushed that man away from us.

"Farhan move," I said in an angry tone.

"Ayesha, just calm down, if you continue this we may have to take it to court." Farhan whispered into my ear.

"But-" Farhan pulled me back. I looked behind Farhan to see if that man was still there but he had ran off.

He handed me my coffee. "Come on Ayesha, we have no time, we're going to miss our flight." I helped him pick up the bags that that man had thrown. We then hurried to the airline desk.

Thankfully going through security wasn't tough. As we boarded the plane I started to read a dua (supplication).

'Glory to Him who has brought this [vehicle] under our control, though we were unable to control it [ourselves], and indeed, to Our Lord we will surely return.'


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