We met in a grocery store??(1D fanfic)

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Hey I'm Elizabeth Gold but call me Ella or Ellie for short. I'm 18 I live by myself. My favorite color is green. Yeah I am not the girly type like at all. My mom works in America and my dad left is when I was 5. I am in college for music and law. Weird mix right. My mom is weird like me. Well I am 5'3 and 1/2 yeah I'm pretty short. I like 5seconds of summer,imagine dragons, etc. I don't listen to music a lot cause in always writing music or studying. I have a boyfriend well ex now yeah he cheated with my best friend.will I cry?? no.do i want to?? yes. Will I?? no they don't need the satisfaction. I need junk food so that's how I'm at a grocery store at 1 in the morning looking for junk food.. okay I got chips soda chocolate candy what am I missing oh of course!! How could I forget ice cream?!? I ran towards the ice cream isle I put my feet up getting weird looks by 5 boys that were there wait why are they here I thought I was the only one?? I think I should call my mum about jake my ex. She liked him like her own son so I Better call my mum and tell her.

"Hey sweetheart"

"Hey mum I have something to tell you"unfortunately she was on speaker


"No mum I'm not pregnant I gotta go I'm being kidnapped bye"I had to come up with an excuse. The boys bursted out laughing I just shrugged and my phone vibrated and I saw in bold letters 'MUMZY'dont ask why she is in there like that.

"Quick answer her saying that your my kidnapper"I tossed my phone to a curly lad but he tossed it too a boy with brown hair and blue eyes kinda attractive he answered

"I have your daughter if you want form see her you will give me 3 million carrots bye"he hung up and tossed it to me


"Yeah I like carrots"he said

"Why do you have so much food?"a blonde haired boy asked

"Long story now I gotta go later"I ran to the checkout person. I saw there were five pieces of paper on my door

'Call us anytime from the 5 boys Ps you owe me carrots " what the heck is with that boy and carrots I put the stuff in my car and threw away the phone numbers. Creepy people. Ask them one thing. Sheesh.

I made my way to my flat.

We met in a grocery store??(1D fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now