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I got to the hotel room and changed into this:www.polyvore.com/untitled_29/set?...

jj and Emily came in and they looked strict.

"You guys do know we are going to a concert right"I asked. They nodded. I giggled and grabbed them. We go backstage first then the concert then go backstage again.

We we made it to the arena and were stakes backstage. We waited awhile until I was tackled to the floor. I look and there were the boys.

"Do you guys greet all your fans this way"I asked.

"Only the special ones"Niall said. I giggled. Thy got off of me an Louis helped me up.

"When did we first meet"he asked.

Oh crap.

"Grocery store" I said. He smiled an he kissed me. I kissed back until I heard a scoff. I turn around and there was a girl about my age but she looked like a defective crayon no joke. Emily and J.J just stood there amused.

"Why are you kissing her"the defective crayon asked.

"Cause she's my girlfriend"Louis said which made me smile. He looked down and smiled at me.

She looked me up and down which made me feel uncomfortable.

"Umm what are looking at"I said.

"Not much"she said.

"Can you stop its kinda uncomfortable"I said.

"Gladly you were starting to burn my eyes anyway"she said. I rolled my eyes. Why are people so rude these days.

"Why would you date her anyway?? Blink once for if your being forced"she said.

"I'm not being forced what I am being forced to do is look at you"he said. Not the best comeback Louis.

"Yeah and it is an amazing sight isn't it"she said.

"Can you please stop being rude"I said.

"I'll stop being rude when you stop being a whore and being ugly"

"said the defective crayon"I said.

"What"she said.

"Nothing"I said. Louis looked like he was trying not to laugh.

"That's what I thought bitch"she said.

"You should really not get on my bad side" I said.

"Yeah you really shouldn't"Niall said. Yeah he made me mad so I hid the food that was in the house.

"I'm not scared of anything. Plus all she is is a fat whore who is a gold digger"she said.

"No I'm not and at least I wear clothes that cover my parts" I said.

"At least I don't look like a boy"

"I'd rather act like a boy than be a whore like you"I said.

"I'm not a whore"

"yeah your not a whore.......your a dick which reminds me you should really wear a condom on your head"

"I'm not a dick and why would I do that"

"well if your going to act like a dick might as well look like one"I said. Niall was the first one to burst out laughing.

She flipped me off.

"nah I don't want to catch any diseases"I said. She dropped her mouth. "Might wanna close your mouth people might get the wrong idea" I said. "Now go before you look like a bigger idiot an don't say I didn't warn you" she stomped her foot and left. I started laughing an so did the others.

"How did you come up with that"Liam asked.

"I don't know"I said.

"Well we gotta go change meet you after the concert" Louis said. I nodded an he kissed my cheek. After they left Emily and Jj gave me a confused look. I explained every thing to them and they understood. We made our way to our seats . The boys never came out. Emily Jj and I ran backstage and showed them our badges. They let us inside and I went towards Paul. He was frantically calling orders.

"Where are the boys" I asked.

"I don't know". He said. I grabbed his phone and tracked down the boys. They were still in the arena.

"You thought I was going to let them live in my house and not put trackers on them. Puh lease"I said.

"Emily grab my suitcase from my car and being it to me never thought I'd say this but I need to suit up. Paul evacuate everyone out of here" I said. He nodded. Emily came back came back and handed me my suitcase. I told them to get everyone out and for them to stay outside too. They nodded. I changed into my gear. www.polyvore.com/spy/set?id=99318...

I put awayy clothes and put on my beanie. I looked at the map and saw the only the only to get to them was through a vent. I got into the vents and found my way to where they were. I saw the girl from earlier and Kathryn?? What the heck is she doing here. I waited for them to leave. I grabbed my gun and put the silencer on at the end. I tried to shoot at her through the vent but the vent cage bars were too small. Think Natasha think. I got it! I grabbed my throwing knifes and my hair band. I made a sling shot. I aim for the ropes which got cut. The boys looked around until they saw me. They took out the vent cage and climbed in. I put the vent cage back on and showed them the way out. They escaped but I didn't. The girl from earlier grabbed me and pulled me into the room.

"Well well well isn't it the whore"she said. I grabbed my throwing knife and hid it behind my back.

"you shouldn't be talking about yourself that way"I said with a smirk. She lunged at me but I dodged her. I kicked her On her back and threw my knife at her leg so she wouldn't chase me but to only get tackled by Kathryn. I slammed her against the wall knocking her off my back. She swung at me but I grabbed her arm twisted it and put it behind her back. I grabbed some rope and tied her. Some one threw a knife at me but missed me. It only left a scrape on my shoulder might need stitches. I turned around and saw jake. When will this end. He kicked my leg making me fall. I grabbed his leg making him fall. I got on top of him and started punching him. For when he was going to rape me. When he cheated on me. When he made me feel worthless. For the fake I love yous. For when he bossed me around. When he almost broke me. I stopped and saw he was unconscious. I got up and grabbed my earpiece.

"Everything is clear and I have the culprits on custody send swat in to arrest them over"I said. I've for admit jake got some punches but he got it worse. I only got a busted lip and a cut. I made my way outside and a paramedic came up to me. He stitched my wound and handed me a ice pack. The boys came rushing towards me and hugged me.

"Boys can't breathe"I said. They loosened up but didn't let go.

"I'm fine guys just a busted lip and a cut should've seen the others "I said.

"Oh we did nice job by the way"Harry said. I laughed. At his comment and rolled my eyes. Hotch came over and the boys left.

"Well seems like you caught our unsub. but you need a break I cleared it up with the CIA and you can go home next year after you help us for awhile"he said. I nodded and smiled. Not much of good news but hey close enough. I didn't tell the boys I wanted it to e a surprise. They came back over.

"Well it was nice seeing you again. I will see you guys soon and I promise it be for a short period if time. " I said. They nodded. Niall had tears in his eyes. Zayn was trying to be strong. Harry had a year fall from his eye. Liam was comforting the now crying Niall. Louis was frowning and looking at the floor.

"You know I love you right"I asked he nodded.

"I will be back I promise"I said. He nodded and kissed me again. It felt nice. It was a soft passionate kiss . We pulled away and I said my goodbyes. 1 year Natasha 1 year.

We met in a grocery store??(1D fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now