Chapter 8

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Dear diary, 



Victoria nervously squeezed Lily's hand while playing on her phone, if she wasn't such a pussy about doing something so simple she wouldn't even have her phone out in the first place. Then again, if she didn't have her phone out she would be forced to join in on the conversation that Jenna and Lily were having. Yeah...maybe pretending she was busy sending important texts was the best option here.

If Victoria knew that choosing said option would result in her having two new friends that were worse than Jenna she would've joined in on that damn conversation, she would've stopped Jenna's evil plans. Forcing Victoria to have more friends can be classified as evil, right?



Victoria couldn't help but express her opinion on the "friends" Jenna introduced, her opinion just happened to be a very loud groan. When she looked at Lily to see what she thought about this she was met with a truly terrifying sight. A smile.

More friends meant more problems, Victoria already had enough problems. Granted, those problems were mostly centered around Lily but that really wasn't the point here.

"You're forcing me to have friends?" Victoria asked as she studied the two girls. One girl, Jayden, was so pale she could be mistaken for a vampire. She had long brown hair and light green eyes, she was smaller than Lily and was on the chubbier side. If Victoria was being completely honest with herself, Jayden was actually kinda cute.

The other girl, Leah, had light brown skin. Her hair was black, tied in a loose bun. She had dark brown eyes and was only slightly taller than Jayden. She was skinnier than Jayden, but could still be considered chubby. This only made her look cuter.

Maybe Victoria just had a thing for chubby girls?

Jenna shrugged, "You said you needed new friends. Bam. Now you got new friends."

"Do you even know them?"

"...That isn't the point."

"For fucks sake."


"Are you and Lily dating?" Victoria blushed and closed her locker, she gave the girl a small shrug. "I think so. We never really talk about it."

Jayden gave a small nod in return, "Do you have a ship name yet?"


Leah placed her head on Jayden's shoulder, staring at Victoria.


"Unique." Leah finally spoke.

Lily placed her hand on Victoria's back making the girl jump slightly. When did she get here?

"I like it." She whispered in Victoria's ear.

"...What in the actual fuck..."

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