Chapter 10

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Dear diary,

Jenna is still weird. Leah loves potatoes. Jayden is just Jayden. And I'm just kinda here. Thinking. Where did my life go wrong?

In other news...I'm addicted to Lily. Bish is like air to me. I need her to live, she'll always be there to supply. Now that I think about it...she sounds more like a drug dealer. Or a drug. My drug.

I'm disappointed in myself for writing that.


Ever since Victoria had announced her love to Lily, it was like the entire relationship had taken a turn. Lily was more serious when it came to showing her affection or even talking about where their relationship would go and how to address possible future problems. Instead of always making plans with the gang, she now made plans for just her and Victoria. Granted, those plans were mostly inviting Victoria over to her house or stumbling over her words as she tried to ask Victoria out on a date in the rare moments that they got to themselves -- It didn't really matter to Vic, she loved it.

Now...being serious about their relationship didn't mean that Lily had gone completely serious about everything. She stilled joked around, she was still nervous when it came to talking about certain things, and she still made sure that she spent enough time around Jenna, Jayden, and Leah. If a perfect woman ever did exist, Lily was that woman and Victoria was her biggest fan.

Jenna and Victoria had definitely rubbed off on Lily. While she was still a nerd at heart, the female had definitely changed while hanging out with the most popular girls in school. She was more confident, she knew how to flirt without sounding like a complete idiot, and she could even pick out a semi-decent outfit that didn't involve a hoodie and a pair of ripped jeans. She even exchanged her glasses for a pair of contacts, Victoria had definitely noticed the improvement and had even felt nice enough to reward Lily. That reward being a very steamy kiss inside the janitor's closet that had lasted for an entire period of class.

Victoria had given Lily confidence, fashion advice, and even a book filled with some sweet pick up lines.

Jenna had given her dirty jokes, cheesy jokes, gay jokes, dark jokes, memes, and a potato. All of which Lily had somehow put to use in her daily life.

Well, not the potato.

Leah had stolen it from her. Lily wouldn't have been mad if it wasn't for the fact that Leah had already eaten half the potato before Lily even noticed the potato was gone. She could've acted mature about it, she had the chance to politely ask for it back...instead, she tackled the girl while screaming "Swiper no swiping!" at the top of her lungs.

She didn't get her potato back, but she did get a wicked scar afterward. Leah also got a scar. Victoria West: Her knight in shining armor.

Victoria would've preferred the potato over all the jokes that Lily made on the daily. She would've preferred anything over the jokes. She would've complained about it...if Lily didn't look so damn proud of herself after every single one she told. The look of pure happiness on her face melted Victoria's icy heart, and she just couldn't bring herself to turn that smile upside down by asking her to stop with the jokes. She hated Lily for them, but she also loved her even more. That smile could make Victoria do anything.

She didn't really know if Lily knew about it, but she had a funny feeling. This feeling had started after a particularly bad joke forced Victoria to bite her lip to stop herself from saying anything, Lily had raised a brow at that and, after a few seconds, shrugged it off as Victoria simply holding back a laugh. The jokes only got worse after that. Victoria could only assume Lily had eventually discovered that Victoria didn't really like her jokes and was now only telling bad ones to force a reaction out of her.

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