Chapter 4

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Dear diary,

Gotta write a letter to my heart. Ask the hard dunno...WHAT IN THE ACTUAL FUCK WERE YOU THINKING, DUDE?


Victoria grabbed her books and closed her locker, letting out a soft sigh before she looked up.

"Ah! I don't have any money-- oh. Hey."

"Hey. I know this sounds kinda weird, but do you wanna hang out? We could catch a movie after school." Victoria stared at the slightly smaller girl, her eyes narrowed with suspicion. Lily wasn't lying, this wasn't some stupid joke. That...or she was just a really good liar.

"You're...serious?" Her voice was faint, weak even. Almost as weak as it was on that first night. A small shiver ran down her spine as she tried to force herself to think of something else. "Stop thinking about the kiss, Vicky."

Lily nodded before taking out a small piece of paper and writing something on it, she gave it to Victoria who shoved it in her pocket. "You got guts to be asking me out," Victoria let out a mental cheer as Lily's cheeks became a dark red color, "Pick me up at 7. Wear something casual, but don't even think about showing up in ripped jeans. I will literally kill you."

Lily could only give her a nod.

"One other thing," Victoria leaned down close enough to whisper in Lily's ear, she could practically feel the heat radiating off of the smaller girl's rapidly growing blush, "If you tell anyone about this...I'll fucking ruin you."

She pulled away with an innocent smile before turning and walking to class, the temptation to scream and shout out her excitement following her for the rest of the day.


"You're gay."

Victoria opened her mouth to protest but Jenna quickly shushed her before she could defend herself.

"You like this girl, right? And you just recently admitted to kissing her at Ram's party. What does that make you?"


"I still don't understand why you would want to go after some nerd. You are the most popular girl in school, Vicky, you could have anyone." Jenna mumbled out.

Victoria rubbed the back of her neck nervously. "I know that Jenna, I know that too well. The weird thing about her is...she doesn't look at me like all the others."

"The others were horny dudes looking for a quick fuck."

"Good point. I think I might try to hold her hand, see if she'll let me, but other than that I want this date to be casual. I'm sure she wants the same thing."

Jenna took a seat on the edge of Victoria's bed, giving her friend a gentle pat on the cheek. "Just don't be a douche."

"That might be a challenge."

"Just don't be a complete dick."

"I'll try."


Lily showed up exactly at 7. Her hair was in a loose bun. It was adorable and made Lily's eyes easier to see, it made Victoria's heart flutter. She wore a plain red hoodie with some black jeans, a pair of old sneakers completed her very casual, albeit a little lazy, outfit.

Victoria actually went through the process of curling her hair. The outcome must've looked good because as soon as Lily saw it she became a blushing, stuttering mess. Victoria decided to wear a simple blue dress with some blue flats to match, she would've worn heels but she had a hard time walking in them. She also decided against wearing her usual makeup, instead only applying a dark blue lipstick. Lily made sure to compliment her on it.

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