Chapter 9

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Dear diary,

Leah and Jayden aren't that bad. Not all the time, anyway.
I blame Jenna.


"Hey, uh, Lily...Do you got a second?" Victoria nervously scratched at her arm as she took in her girlfriend's suddenly very interesting bedroom floor.

Lily paused her game and turned her attention to Victoria, her face a mixture of confusion and worry. "Is something wrong?" Her voice was soft, weak even as if she put everything she had into forcing the words out.

Victoria shook her head and let out a gentle sigh, "I just...I just wanted to let you know how I'm feeling about," She slowly lifted her gaze away from the floor, instead placing it on her girlfriend's nose. She was afraid if she looked her in the eyes she would be locked in a gay trance and would forget what she so desperately wanted to say. "You are the first girl I've ever dated be honest with you...I didn't really think this would last as long as it has. I thought this would just be some sorta ruse to make you popular, that or just a way for you to get a fuck whenever you needed one."

Lily snorted.

Victoria smiled.

"To say I was surprised when you actually started showing me affection, well, it would be an understatement. You are one of the few people who actually cared enough to take me out on a date, and the only one who didn't try to fuck me while on said date. I'm rambling here...I just wanted to let you know that I...I really like you. I really like this."

Victoria slowly moved her focus away from Lily's nose, instead of locking it on her eyes. She could feel a blush starting creep up on her cheeks.

"I don't like it," She whispered out -- she was positive if she was any louder she would break whatever was currently happening. "I love it. I love you."

There. The words were out. Victoria didn't even regret saying it. Lily looked absolutely shell-shocked about it.

Lily's mouth opened for a moment as if she wanted to say something, before closing once more. This action was repeated several times before she finally rested on just smiling at Victoria.

"You don't have to say it back, I understand completely. Those words are very hard to say...especially since we've only been dating for a few weeks now. You've shown me through your actions that you love me."

Lily gave a weak nod before standing up and practically throwing herself at Victoria, bringing her to the ground in a tight hug. As Victoria began to hug the smaller girl back, Lily whispered something in her ear.

Victoria chuckled softly. "What was that?"

Lily pulled back. Before Victoria could complain about the hug being too short, Lily placed a very sloppy, very short, but so perfect Victoria wasn't sure if she could describe it again even if she wanted to, kiss on her lips. Victoria barely had enough time to kiss back before the girl pulled away, just far enough for their lips to brush while she talked.

"I love you too, Vicky."

Victoria groaned.

"Just kiss me again."


And as the two kissed on, Leah and Jayden watched outside the window, popcorn in hand.

"Told you they'd do it," Leah mumbled out as she shoved a handful of popcorn into her mouth.

Jayden rolled her eyes. "You said Victoria would kiss her first. Technically...I win."

"Technically...I win."

"Technically...Victoria wins."


"Lmao dead."

"I think Lily is starting to rub off on you."

"Oh! Oh! Oh! Jily."



Jayden snapped her fingers with a smile, "Bingo."

"Victory and Daily. Those are some pretty boss names for ships."

"You bet your sweet ass they are."


Victoria didn't cuddle Lily very often, in fact, Victoria didn't show any sort of affection on her own very often. So you can understand Lily's surprise when she felt a pair of arms wrap around her while she was playing her game.

She could feel Victoria nuzzling against her neck and cheek while she desperately tried to continue playing. Who knew Victoria West could be so damn distracting?

"Could you...I don't know...not?" She whispered out as she tried her hardest to fight off the main boss of the level.

"Shut up, you like it." Was the purred response.

"You are going to get me killed!" Lily whined out.

"Getting killed while fucking the Victoria West is a good way to die, wouldn't you agree?" Victoria gave Lily's ear a small, testing bite.

Lily bit her lip as she tried to stop the moan that Victoria caused from escaping her lips.

"F-Fuck you..."

"That's the plan."

Suddenly, as if the two girls had been waiting for the perfect moment to intervene, the door was kicked open by none other than Leah and Jayden.

Lily was sure the door would need to be repaired.

Victoria was sure she was going to kill someone before she was 18.

Leah smiled at them while Jayden hid behind her, she was smart enough to know what Victoria's icy glare meant. Leah either didn't know or just didn't care.

"Greetings and salutations. I hope we weren't interrupting anything." Leah was the first to speak.

"You were actually," Victoria growled out.

Leah ignored her, "Jenna wants to have a movie night. We were going to text you the details, but we just so happened to be walking by and decided it would be better if we talked in person."

Lily gave Leah a small smile, "Oh. How nice of you."

Victoria shot her a quick glare before returning it to Leah, Leah's smile only widened in response.

"So nice...the movie is going to be at Jenna's house, she said something about it being a Disney movie so be ready for that."

Jayden took that moment to peek over Leah's shoulder, "We also wanted to hang out for a little bit before we headed over there."

Leah nodded at that.

Lily nodded with her.

Victoria groaned.


Dear diary,

I fucking knew Jenna had something to do with this. Damn her strap-on blocking ways!

Did you see what I did there? Lily's bad jokes are starting to get to me. I know I say this a lot Send help.

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