Chapter 11

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Victoria wasn't good at showing her feelings, Victoria wasn't good at expressing them. Love didn't come naturally to her, she was sure it never would.

Victoria had money. Oh, did she have money. So no-one, including Victoria, could explain why exactly she bought a candy ring instead of a diamond one or something equally as expensive.

"She doesn't like fancy," Victoria whispered out to herself as she desperately searched for the flavor of the ring she wanted. She ended up choosing a blue one, Lily's favorite color, it had some stupid name that Victoria didn't even bother reading. "Hopefully she doesn't eat it."


The school was boring, far too boring. Victoria nervously squeezed the candy wrapper that held the ring as time went on and on. The class was almost over, she knew that much, she just wished it would be over sooner.

The gay gods must've heard her wish because just a minute later, the teacher was silenced by the very loud ringing of the bell. Victoria practically jumped out of her seat, pushing people out of the way just to be the first out of the classroom. It was time.


Victoria had managed to track down Lily, dragging the very surprised female to the empty classroom Victoria had set up. She basically just gave the teacher $100 to leave for the entire lunch period.

She locked the door to the classroom before turning towards her girlfriend, her hand had moved instinctively towards the wrapper.

"Victoria?" Lily was the first to break the very awkward silence between them, Victoria blinked several times before locking eyes with Lily. "What's going on?"

Victoria gave her a nervous smile before taking a step closer, "Don't worry," Her voice was weak as she spoke. "This isn't anything bad."

Lily raised a brow at that. "Then what's going on?"

Victoria pulled out the wrapper, showing it to the female. Lily looked even more confused.

"This is about...candy?"

Victoria took another step before going down on one knee, her eyes never leaving Lily's.

Lily stood there for a moment before breaking down. Tears rolled down her cheeks as a giant smile broke across her face, Victoria took that as a sign to go on.

"'ve been thinking about this for a long time. I I wrote a poem?" Victoria struggled to open the wrapper as she spoke, "I'm...I'm the pen, you're t-the like...I draw the p-p-picture, you make make it...FUCKING make it brighter." Victoria's fingers were shaking as she continued to struggle with the wrapper. Lily dropped to her knees and tried to help Victoria, effectively making the candy ring pop open and land in her lap.

Victoria's face was a dark shade of red as she stuttered out the words, "W-Will you marry me...?"
She quickly grabbed the ring, not waiting for an answer, and slipped it on Lily's ring finger.

Lily grabbed Victoria, pulling her into a tight hug.


Victoria was a strong woman, anyone with eyes could see that, but with that one word from those lips...She was anything but strong.


Leah and Jayden stood outside the door, watching through the small glass. Jayden was sniffling softly while wiping away her tears at the beautiful scene she had just witnessed, Leah was gently patting her friend's back as she continued to watch.

Jayden rubbed her eyes before turning to Leah. Leah smiled at her.

"I ship it so hard."

"Guess you could call this a...Victory."

Leah and Jayden giggled uncontrollably at the terrible pun.


The candy ring had lasted a full three days before Lily even gave it a testing lick, after that lick, it was game over for the poor ring. Victoria had eventually gotten a more expensive ring for her dearly beloved, this one was made of diamonds the same color as the candy one that Lily had eaten.

Lily had refused the ring at first, Victoria had convinced her with too many kisses to count.

Victoria continued to write about Lily, Lily continued to happily love Victoria and only Victoria.


Dear diary,

I'm gonna spend the rest of my life with the girl I love. What more could I possibly want?

I know you're reading this, Lily.

I love you. :)

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