Chapter 6

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Dear diary,

While I do have a slight hatred for Jenna since she won't stop with the gay jokes, she makes up for it by helping me with Lily. I'm almost positive she'll find a way to ruin that, too.


Jenna and Victoria stood next to Lily as she cleaned out her locker, gathering the massive amount of trash stashed inside. Victoria would've helped but she had to keep up her facade as the queen bitch, that didn't mean she didn't feel slightly guilty as she watched Lily try to hold at least 6 pieces of crumpled paper in her hand.

Jenna snapped her fingers in front of Victoria's face, forcing her to take her eyes off the struggling Lily. Jenna rolled her eyes before finally speaking, "You've been staring at her ever since we got here. Don't you think that looks a little creepy?"

Victoria frowned, "She doesn't mind. Right, Lily?" Lily turned her head to look at Victoria, dropping all the crumbled papers in the process. With a groan she bent down and started to pick them up, "I wouldn't mind some help." She grumbled.

Jenna giggled before dropping to her knees and picking up some of the paper, handing them back to Lily once she was finished. Victoria crossed her arms as she watched, "I thought we weren't supposed to help her."

Jenna stood up with a smirk, "I said you couldn't help her. I never said anything about me."

Victoria glared at Jenna, growling softly, "You better keep helping her since I can't."

"Make me."


Jenna slid slightly as she turned a corner, after regaining her balance she sprinted down the hall, screaming as she went, "I'm sorry, Vicky! Forgive me! I didn't mean it!"

Victoria was close behind her, nearing her with every step, "I'm going to kill you!" She screamed at her as she ran, making the few students out in the halls turn their heads and stare.

"Is it too late now to say sorry?!" Victoria let out a demonic screech as she pushed herself even further. She was close enough to grab Jenna now.

"Yes!" She barked out before grabbing Jenna's shirt, forcing her to a stop. A wicked grin spread across her face as she heard Jenna let out a soft whimper, one look at Jenna's face told Victoria that she had accepted death.

"What are you going to do when we get back to Lily?"

"Help her clean," Jenna mumbled back.

Victoria released Jenna, letting out a dark chuckle.

"Good girl."


Lily closed her locker with a satisfied sigh, the millions of candy wrappers and crumpled up pieces of paper were finally gone. She pulled out her phone and sent a quick message to Victoria, a small smile on her lips.

CinnamonToastPunch: Just got done cleaning my locker, meet you outside?

She put her phone in her pocket and looked around for Victoria, seeing no-one in the hall except her, she shrugged her shoulders and began to walk down the hall.

Suddenly, as if the female knew Lily was looking for her, Victoria turned the corner. The first thing Lily noticed was the pouting Jenna, the only reason why she noticed Jenna first was because she was being dragged behind Victoria. Lily couldn't help but giggle at the sight.

"I caught her just for you...and you text me this bullshit saying you did it all by yourself?" Victoria dropped Jenna and walked closer to Lily.

"You didn't have to," Lily crossed her arms as she spoke, "I was doing just fine without Jenna."

Victoria wrapped her arms  around Lily's waist, "You're a terrible liar."

Lily blushed and looked down. Jenna smiled up at her.

"Howdly doodly neighbor."


CinnamonToastPunch: Jenna is so weird

DemonicBitch: Annoying*

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