Chapter 3 - Breakfast At Barton's

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The early September morning air was fresh, cool and easy to breathe in, Natasha thought. She appreciated how easy it felt to rock gently in the rocking chair on the Bartons front porch. The grass was still dewy and the sun gleamed off each blade making it seem almost magical. The birds were the only noise she could hear, though she imagined she would soon hear footsteps from inside the house. Three young children could sound like a herd of cattle inside that house.

But she loved them so.

She pulled the fleece blanket up over her shoulders a little more and leaned her head back, fully resting it which didn't happen often. This was one of the only places in the world where she felt like she didn't have to look over her shoulder. She took a deep breath and closed her eyes. She couldn't hide away forever so she would have to take in the relaxation now. She looked around and took note of how different it was here than it was in Wakanda. And she wondered what the rest of the team was doing now.

A light shuffle came from inside the house and neared the screen door. Natasha looked back to see Laura approaching.

"Good morning," Natasha said with a friendly smile.

Laura stifled a yawn. "Morning, Nat." She joined Natasha in the other rocking chair. "I'm still not used to seeing you with the blonde hair. Or maybe I was up too late. I'm sorry if we kept you up last night. Nathaniel just would not sleep."

"Eh, he's just a little guy, Laura. I understand."

"The kids love having you here." Laura added.

"And I love being here with them. Those are three pretty great kids. You and Clint are doing a great job."

"Thanks," she laughed lightly. "Some days you question it, that's for sure!" Laura folded her legs up into the chair. Her smile faded a bit. "You're a really great auntie, Natasha."

Natasha grinned. It made her happy to hear. "Well, it's as close as I get to having my own."

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to be insensitive..." Laura started

"No, no, Laura. You didn't do anything, it's fine. I have had a lot of time to accept the way things are. I wasn't trying to make you feel bad."

"But you want kids, don't you?" Laura said, more of a statement than a question.

Natasha was quiet for a second. She didn't mind being open and honest with Laura. She thought this must be what it's like to have a sister. "Of course," she hesitated, "It's not in the cards for me though. I can't imagine bringing a child into my crazy life either."

"There are other ways," Laura said softly as she shrugged her shoulders a little.

"Well... yeah. There are. I don't know. I'm not sure what to think. Hell, I can't even go out in public at this point." Natasha quieted. She patted Laura on the arm. "It's so easy talking with you. I wish we had time like this more often."

"What? - You don't have a work partner or a work husband to talk with?" Laura joked.

"Steve," laughed Natasha.

"Steve's your husband?"

"WORK husband, Laura." Natasha's tone became slightly tense.

"Ahhhh, I see I struck a nerve there?" Laura grinned.

"No nerve," Natasha assured her.

"I just meant... I thought you would say Dr. Banner. Are you two...?"

Natasha stared at the field in front of her. "That didn't pan out."

Laura sighed, "I'm sorry to hear that."

"You know," Natasha started, "it's really okay. I think it probably worked out for the best. I feel like an idiot... Bruce just disappeared. I guess he is really a solo creature after all." She paused and looked at Laura. "And you know, I think I'm not a loner anymore. I'm starting to feel like a team player. Sounds corny but it might actually be true. It feels more comfortable than it did before. We all have our strengths and it just works."

"And I've seen Steve's strengths in person!" Laura giggled the most evil giggle Natasha had ever heard from her.

"What?" Natasha looked perplexed.

Laura looked around to see if the two of them were really still alone. She leaned in closer to Natasha. "Did you SEE him chopping wood when he was here?" She motioned to the tree stump in the yard. "Holy moley - I could not look away. He has the most perfect body - he's beautiful." Laura laughed.

"He is beautiful," Natasha smiled. "He is as amazing as you would imagine him to be... very kind." She felt a heart pain in her chest as she realized how much she was missing her friend. She wondered what he thought of her leaving and maybe she should have stayed. But it was too late now.

"So what about Steve? Did you ever think about...?"

"Think about...?" Natasha repeated Laura.

"Think about starting something up? I mean, you both have similar lives - maybe that would be an easy transition," she clarified.

"Oh no," Natasha shook her head. "He's way out of my league. He would never go for me. We're really good friends though... He didn't even like me for the longest time."

"He didn't like you? You're amazing?" Laura wondered out loud.

"Well, he didn't hate me. I just think there was a personality clash. He thought I was a punk. And yet he took good care of me anyway. He may have still been getting used to things in the now. That was years ago though."

Laura smirked quickly. "You were a punk." They laughed. "You've grown up a bit in the last few years, you know. But seriously, please don't say things about not being good enough for someone. You really deserve more credit than that." She decided to back off so that she wasn't making Natasha uncomfortable.

Natasha hugged Laura.

Laura didn't let go. "Is he a little bit intense sometimes though?" she asked.

Natasha tilted her head, "I can see how you would think that. You didn't really meet him at the best time. The times he's intense, it's for good reason. He's really a sweetheart though."

"Seems like a gentleman..." Laura added.

"He is and he's been a good friend. I have not been a good friend back lately. We work well together too," Natasha said.

"Well, without the two of you, I wouldn't have Clint back right now. I owe you both so much."

"You're feeding and sheltering me, we're good," Natasha gave a little smirk.

"What are you going to do now?" Laura asked.

Natasha sat back in her chair. "Good question. I have no idea where to go now. I have to lay low."

"You're always welcome here, it's not about that. I was just wondering." Laura clarified.

"I know," Natasha smiled.

"Breakfast?" Laura asked.

Natasha shook her head no. "I think I'm going to go for a little walk." She stepped off the front porch and turned around to look at Laura. "I really enjoy our talks, you know."

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