Chapter 15 - Taking A Leap

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Natasha moved around her bedroom with ease, phone balanced between her ear and shoulder as she folded up a shirt.

"I know, I miss you too," she said into the phone. "I haven't seen you in forever. Why don't we go to lunch soon?"

"Yes, let's do that," Wanda's voice squeaked excitedly from the other end of the phone. "This week?"

Natasha thought about what a crazy week it might be but that didn't matter, she could juggle things to have lunch with Wanda. "How about tomorrow?" Natasha asked.

"I can do tomorrow," Wanda replied. "Where should we meet?"

"Ummmmm," Natasha hummed into the phone, before realizing how distracted she was. "I'm sorry, my head is... elsewhere right now. Why don't you think about it and text me later?"

"Of course," Wanda said. "I'll let you go. I can tell you have lots to tell me. I will just have to wait until tomorrow."

"Can't wait," Natasha responded. "Talk to you later."

Natasha looked around the room, surveying the small amount of her personal things that still needed to be packed. She was going to miss it here... and all the Bartons. It was comforting to think they wouldn't be that far away because they were like family to her.

She had been a little unnerved about telling Clint and Laura about moving out, even though she knew that was what she needed to do. She wasn't sure what reaction to expect for multiple reasons, least of them being that she and Steve had only been dating a little over three weeks. They'd even smiled at each other when she told them "Staying at Steve's is just temporary until I can figure out what my next plan is." Clint had chuckled and said "Temporary, my ass." Steve had not laughed at her when she assured him her stay would be temporary. She fully intended for her stay to be temporary and she was planning on being helpful to him while she was staying there. After all, in her mind, everything was temporary. Everything.

That's the life of a spy. Or at least, it was. She wasn't sure anymore.

Later that morning, as she drove to Steve's, like she'd been doing for weeks (or sometimes he'd come pick her up), it all felt surreal. She wondered if this was the right thing to do. And would it give him the wrong impression?

What was the impression she wanted to give, anyway?

But there was excitement and, if she'd admit it, a little part of her felt there was something right about it. She was very happy to be dating Steve, it felt like things had fallen into place. But in her mind, dating him and moving into his house were two separate things.

Rounding the part of the road that lead to Steve's house, Natasha's heart sank a little as she noticed his truck wasn't parked in the driveway. However, it didn't get her down for long because she remembered Steve telling her he'd finished the addition enough to start siding it. She eyed it from far away, enjoying the way the new dark blue was starting to make the house look sharp. It definitely is going to look better than the old siding on there now.

After parking her car and unlocking the house with her brand new key, she walked inside quietly. The house felt very empty and quiet without Steve but she would have to get used to that eventually. She noticed a flapping paper hanging from the newell post by a piece of blue painter's tape. She took it down when she saw her name on the front in Steve's handwriting. Her mind immediately began reading it in Steve's voice:

Hi Nat,

Sam and I are meeting halfway for lunch - I thought you might want some space to settle in. I won't be back too late. Don't unload everything without me. Make yourself at home... I put a couple things upstairs for you.

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