Chapter 10 - Making It Special

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Steve paced around the kitchen with his phone, he was tired of sitting. He wasn't getting anywhere with this project. He heard the dial tone stop and the phone make a click.

"Steeeeeeeeve..." boomed from the other side of the phone.

"Sam, how's it going?"

"Steve, what's up, my man?" Sam sounded cheerful.

"I need a little help, buddy. Thought you might be the guy to go to." Steve confessed.

"Sure, what can I do?" Sam asked. He was always ready to jump in and lend a hand when Steve asked... no matter what it was.

"I don't know if you remember this but when Nat was in the hospital..."

"You said you were going to ask her out," Sam jumped in.

"Okay, you do remember," Steve chuckled.

"Of course I do, because I was going to hold you to that!" He was enthused. "It's about damn time. So when are you going to ask her out?"

"Already did, actually." Steve's deep voice sounded somewhat pleased that he beat Sam to the punch.

"Heyyy! Steve, alright!" The sound on Sam's side of the line got muffled for a few seconds. "You can't see me but I'm doin' a little dance!" Sam hummed a little ditty into the phone.

All Steve could do was laugh, even though he desperately wanted Sam to calm down so he could be used as a sounding board. That was exactly why Sam was good for him though.

"So what's the plan?" Sam inquired.

"...That's the problem," Steve confessed. "I keep thinking of ideas but I can't seem to nail down a perfect idea. It needs to be perfect."

"Everything you do is perfect, what are you worried about?" Sam teased him. He softened his tone a little bit. "Ohhhh, I get it, I get it... I'm kidding you. This is a little more important than usual."

"Yeah," Steve said with a sigh. In his mind and in his heart, he already knew this was a big deal. He hoped this was the first of many dates. He knew that if Natasha would have him, she was the one he wanted. They'd already been friends for years and he knew her so well. He could get carried away and see into the future. His throat felt a little tight thinking about it. What if she didn't end up wanting him?

"You are nervous!" Sam almost couldn't believe it. "Okay, so what do we have so far?"

Steve looked at his handwritten list and started reading it off to Sam. They began one of their rapid fire conversations.

Steve: A concert...

Sam: What kind of music is she into?

Steve: Lots of different kinds, having trouble pinpointing something just right.

Sam: Moving on...

Steve: Coney Island.

Sam: Too Steve... Oh, and too public.

Steve: Drive-in movie...

Sam: Too Danny Zuko.

Steve: Who?

Sam: Add the movie Grease to your list, dude.

Steve: Sunset picnic?

Sam: Can't picture it.

Steve: Nature hike?

Sam: (sigh)

Steve: I'm trying here!

Sam: I know.

Steve: A show?

Sam: What show?
Steve: I dunno.

The Heart Thaws In Its Own Time (Steve Rogers x Natasha Romanoff)Where stories live. Discover now