Chapter 9 - Pulling Out The Stops

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It was a hot day for the end of September and Steve had been working outside at the new house since he came back from his run, very early. He was covered in sweat, dirt, and mulch dust from doing yard work, finally taking a day to break from working on his gym. His phone buzzed in his pocket and he knew it had to be Natasha. Almost no one else ever texted him.

Wiping off his hands, he reached into his jeans to grab the phone.

It was Natasha. "So do I have to come the whole way to Wakanda to see you?"

He smiled. He'd been keeping the farm in his back pocket, he wasn't sure their timing was right. He wasn't sure where their friendship really stood besides texts at this point. But now maybe it felt like it was headed somewhere positive.

He typed back, "I don't think THAT's a good idea." He was going to leave her hanging for a little while. It wasn't often he had information that Natasha didn't already have her hands on.

Sitting on Clint's front porch with a book in one hand and her phone in the other, Natasha read her text and her heart sank. Oh my God, he doesn't want to see me.

Steve waited a minute to see if she would respond but she didn't. He went back to planting his new hostas along the front porch. The work wasn't keeping him satisfied like it usually did because he found himself wondering about Natasha's question. If it seemed like she was ready to see him, maybe that meant she actually was ready to see him. After he finished lowering the last hosta into the ground and had it buried and mulched, he stood up and looked at his handy work while he brushed himself off. His heart just wasn't in it today, he was too distracted.

He couldn't stop thinking about Natasha. He knew that he had other priorities and that she probably didn't feel the way he did, but he couldn't help it. His heart hadn't felt like this in ages and although it was hard to let himself get carried away, he felt like maybe it was time he found a little happiness. He'd tried to push his feelings aside the past few months but now that she was back, he just couldn't anymore.

He wasn't sure if the feelings would be the same on the other side but it was time to try. He wasn't going to walk away without fighting for her. If she didn't feel the same, at least he would have peace of mind knowing he tried.

He expected full effort from everyone in his life but he was hardest on himself. He'd been glad when other members of the team had found someone to share their happiness with, so why couldn't he let himself do the same?

What have I been waiting for?

Then the answer struck him plain as day...

The right partner.

Steve smiled. Although that phrase made him think of Peggy, he'd finally let go of her. God must have had his reasons for keeping them apart, he thought. It just wasn't their time. But his chest felt fluttery when Natasha's face popped into his mind. He'd pushed Natasha away when he first met her years ago because it was too fresh in his mind being in love with Peggy.

And the years changed that. Peggy grew to be a distant memory even though he'd gone to visit her in person. And now it had even been months since she passed.

Steve had found himself feeling awkward when Natasha was interested in Bruce. She'd slowly burrowed her way into his heart without him even realizing it.

Yet, when Bruce broke her heart, he made an effort to support her and be a good friend and chose to not take the opportunity to get closer to her in other ways. It just didn't seem like the right thing to do.

Steve knew what he'd rather be doing than working today.

He gathered his garden tools and started off for the detached garage to put them away. His nerves buzzed in anticipation. He ran into the house to shower and change into a pair of jeans and a light blue button down shirt. He rolled his sleeves up to his elbows and checked himself in the mirror one final time. He looked happy.

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